(By Senator Beach)

[Introduced January 22, 2020]


Designating January 23, 2020, as Human Resources Day at the Capitol.

Whereas, Human resources, also known as the people managers, refers to how employees are managed from small businesses and municipalities to large corporations and national governments; and

Whereas, Traditionally, human resources dealt with the part of an organization or company that was responsible for hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues; and

Whereas, Today, human resources encompasses a vast area of diverse and dynamic issues that affect the everyday lives of our workforce; and

Whereas, In an effort to enhance morale and productivity, limit job turnover, and help organizations increase performance and improve results, human resources workers also help their companies or organizations effectively use employee skills by providing training and development opportunities to improve those skills and increasing employees’ satisfaction with their job and working conditions; and

Whereas, In today’s economy, human resources has become increasingly difficult as companies and organizations have instituted cost-cutting measures requiring human resources workers to play a vital role in tackling these issues sensibly and responsibly for their company and its employees; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate:

That the Senate hereby designates January 23, 2020, as Human Resources Day at the Capitol; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Senate extends its sincere appreciation and gratitude to the professionals working in the field of human resources; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the appropriate representatives of Human Resources Day at the Capitol.