(By Mr. Speaker, Mr. Armstead)

[Introduced January 14, 2015]


“Authorizing the appointment of employees for this, the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-second Legislature, two thousand fifteen”.

Resolved by the House of Delegates:

            That the Speaker of the House of Delegates be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint employees to perform technical, clerical, stenographic, custodial and other services for this session of the Legislature to receive the per diems and salaries as herein provided, as follows:

            (1) For per diem employees, the following rates:

            Eight stenographers at $65.00 - $100.00

            Four committee clerks at $65.00 - $125.00

            Eight committee assistant clerks at $65.00- $105.00

            One legal assistants at $125.00

            Three legislative assistants at $65.00 - $125.00

            Four messengers at $65.00 - $80.00

            Seven attorneys at $165.00 - $360.00

            One Journal Room Supervisor at $130.00

            Three Journal Room Clerks at $65.00 - $82.00

            One Doorkeeper at $150.00

            Six assistant Doorkeepers at $80.00

            One Sergeant at Arms at $150.00

            Three assistant Sergeants at Arms at $65.00-$95.00

            One Page at $85.00

            One Assistant Page at $75.00

            Three maintenance assistants at $65.00

            One clerk assistant at $150.00

            One administrative assistant at $153.00

            (2) For salaried full-time employees, the following employees at the following rates, in addition to and exclusive of any experience increment or pay in lieu of an experience increment as may be payable under Section 2, Article 5, Chapter 5 of the Code of West Virginia of 1931, as amended:

            One Chief Clerk at seven thousand four hundred sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Assistant Clerk/Parliamentarian at five thousand dollars per month;

            One Bill Status Clerk at three thousand one hundred forty-two dollars and twenty-two cents per month;

            One Journal Clerk at three thousand eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Documents Clerk at three thousand five hundred eighty-three dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Administrative Assistant/Receptionist at Two Thousand nine hundred seventy-eight dollars and forty-two cents per month;

            One Fiscal Officer at three thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars per month;

            One Assistant Fiscal Officer at three thousand five hundred forty-nine dollars and thirty-two cents per month;

            One Purchasing Agent at three thousand three hundred fifty-three dollars and forty-two cents per month;

            One Mail Clerk at two thousand four hundred fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Communications Director to the House at five thousand two hundred ninety-one dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Policy analyst to the Speaker at three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars per month;

            One Assistant to the Majority Whip Office at three thousand five hundred eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Counsel/Chief of Staff to the Speaker at nine thousand one hundred sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Assistant to the Speaker at six thousand five hundred dollars per month;

            One policy analyst to the Majority Office at three thousand five hundred eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Director of Supplies at three thousand four hundred fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Maintenance Staff at two thousand two dollars and twenty-nine cents per month;

            One Maintenance Staff at two thousand nine hundred forty-two dollars and eighty-one cents per month;

            One Maintenance Staff at One thousand nine hundred sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Chief Counsel to the Committee on the Judiciary at seven thousand six hundred sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Legislative Analyst to the Committee on the Judiciary at three thousand eight hundred fifty dollars and twenty-four cents per month;

            One Administrative Assistant to the Committee on the Judiciary at three thousand three hundred thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Chief Counsel to the Committee on Education at seven thousand four hundred seventy-five dollars per month;

            One Policy Analyst to the Committee on Education at six thousand nine hundred thirty-six dollars and thirty cents per month;

            One Legislative Assistant to the Committee on Education at three thousand three hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty-seven cents per month;

            One Chief Counsel to the Committee on Finance at eight thousand two hundred eight dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Staff Counsel to the Committee on Finance at five thousand three hundred thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Policy Analyst to the Committee on Finance at six thousand dollars per month;

            One Budget Analyst to the Committee on Finance at four thousand three hundred seventy-five dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Budget Analyst to the Committee on Finance at three thousand six hundred eighty-six dollars and fifty-eight cents per month;

            One Committee Clerk to the Committee on Finance at four thousand twenty-five dollars and forty-eight cents per month;

            One Chief Counsel to the Committee on Government Organization at seven thousand five hundred dollars per month;

            One Administrative Assistant to the Committee on Government Organization at two thousand nine hundred sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Legislative Analyst to the Committee on Government Organization at three thousand three hundred thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Chief Counsel to the Committee on Health and Human Resources at six thousand four hundred sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Legislative Analyst to the Committee on Health and Human Resources at three thousand five hundred forty-seven dollars and eleven cents per month;

            One Administrative Assistant to the Committee on Health and Human Resources at two thousand nine hundred fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Chief Counsel to the Minor Committees at seven thousand three hundred seventy-four dollars and fifty-eight cents per month;

            One Analyst to the Minor Committees at three thousand eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Analyst to the Minor Committees at two thousand nine hundred sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents per month;

            One Chief Counsel to the Energy Committee at six thousand dollars per month;

            One Clerk to the Energy Committee at three thousand one hundred forty-three dollars and thirty-nine cents per month;

            One Counsel to Minority Office at eight thousand five hundred dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            One Policy Analyst to the Minority Leader at four thousand two hundred fifty dollars per month;

            One Policy Analyst to the Minority Leader at three thousand six hundred sixty-nine dollars and thirty-three cents per month;

            The Speaker is authorized to appoint or assign additional or present employees and to determine the rate of compensation therefor as he may deem necessary to expedite the work of the House of Delegates; and be it

            Further Resolved, That, in accordance with Chapter 4, Article 2A of the code, the Clerk of the House is hereby authorized to draw his requisitions upon the Auditor for travel expenses and compensation of members of the House of Delegates; and, be it

            Further Resolved, That all appointments made under authority of the foregoing provisions of this resolution shall be certified to the Auditor and Treasurer by the Clerk of the House, and the Clerk of the House of Delegates is hereby authorized to draw his requisitions upon the Auditor in favor of the persons so appointed and the Auditor shall honor and pay such requisitions when presented and charge same to the "per diem of officers and employees" fund or "contingent" fund of the House of Delegates. The Clerk shall draw his requisitions in favor of employees for consecutive days or months from the date of their employment at the per diem or salary herein set out until such time as their services shall cease. The Speaker may remove any employee and appoint another in his or her place, and he shall require each of said employees to perform such duties as shall be assigned him or her, and he is hereby given authority to dispense with the services of any employee or employees for any such time or number of days as their services shall not be needed during the session, and they shall not be paid for such time, nor shall other persons be appointed into their places for any such time as they may be suspended when not needed; and, be it

            Further Resolved, That the Speaker is hereby authorized to assign employees to such positions and duties as he may deem proper to secure the most efficient and expeditious work during the Session of the Legislature; and be it

            Further Resolved, That no person appointed under authority of this resolution and receiving pay hereunder shall concurrently receive compensation from any other department or agency of state government and no person who availed himself or herself of early retirement under the provisions of Senate Bill 10, First Extraordinary Session, 1988, may be appointed under the provisions of this resolution. Notwithstanding designation of positions or duties herein prescribed, any employee may be assigned additional duties by the person by whom appointed, and may be assigned to such positions and duties, as may be deemed proper to serve the most efficient and expeditious work; and, be it

            Further Resolved, That following the session, the Speaker, with approval of the Committee on Rules, is authorized until superceded by subsequent House Resolution, to remove or appoint any employee of the House, and establish such duties and compensation as is deemed appropriate for each employee; and, be it

            Further Resolved, That any and all provisions of House Rule 9 in conflict with this resolution are hereby suspended.