(By Delegate Storch)

[Originating in the Committee on Economic Development and Tourism; Reported on March 7, 2023]


Requesting That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance engage in a study concerning the feasibility of creating regional intra-state tourism districts for the purpose tailoring tourism development to the specifics of such regions.

Whereas, The state of West Virginia has a diverse selection of tourism attractions that vary by region across the state; and

Whereas, Convention and Visitors Bureau (hereinafter "CVB") are uniquely situated to help showcase regionally particular attractions in their regions; and

Whereas, The Department of Tourism, and CVBs and legislators within their regions, have a common interest in showcasing and promoting the unique tourism attractions specific to each particular region; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance engage in a study concerning the feasibility of creating regional intra-state tourism districts for the purpose tailoring tourism development and marketing to the specifics of such regions; and be it

Further Resolved, That the designated representatives of the Department of Tourism and CVBs shall report their findings in writing to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance not later than the interim session of December 2023, for the purposes of preparing legislation for the 2024 Regular Session; and be it

Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, prepare a report, and draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.