(By Delegates Linville and Cannon)

[Originating in the Committee on Technology and Infrastructure; Reported on March 7, 2023]


Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the effects of conservation easements on broadband deployment within the State of West Virginia.

Whereas, A conservation easement is a voluntary contract negotiated between a landowner and a public or private organization, in which permanent restrictions are placed on future uses of their property to protect scenic, agricultural, wildlife, forest, or other significant attributes; and

Whereas, Conservation easements can be permanently attached to property regardless of ownership; and

Whereas, The need to expand broadband internet coverage often runs afoul of such agreements as the necessary infrastructure needed to expand coverage may require the use of protected land, and

Whereas, The expansion of broadband internet coverage remains a high priority for the legislative and executive branches of the state government of West Virginia; and

Whereas, The House Committee on Technology and Infrastructure finds that the issue of conservation easements in relation to broadband internet expansion requires in-depth consideration from all sides of the issue; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study the effects of conservation easements on broadband deployment within the State of West Virginia; and be it,

Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the Legislature, on the first day of the regular session twenty twenty-four, on its findings with any suggestions for legislation to effectuate its recommendations; and, be it,

Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report, and to draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.