WEST virginia legislature

2020 regular session

Committee Substitute


House Bill 4976

By Delegates Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Miley
[By Request of the Executive]

[Originating in the Committee on Finance; February 29th, 2020]

A BILL supplementing and amending by decreasing an existing item of appropriation and adding a new item of appropriation for expenditure of public moneys out of the Treasury from the balance of moneys remaining as an unappropriated balance in the State Fund, State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund, to the State Department of Education, School Building Authority, Fund 3514, fiscal year 2020, organization 0402 by supplementing and amending Chapter 31, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, known as the budget bill for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.

Whereas, The Governor submitted to the Legislature the Executive Budget document, dated January 8, 2020, which included a Statement of the State Fund, State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund, setting forth therein the cash balance as of July 1, 2019, less net appropriation balances forwarded and regular and recommended supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year 2020; and

Whereas, It appears from the Statement of the State Fund, State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund and this supplemental appropriation bill, there remains an unappropriated balance in the State Treasury which is available for appropriation during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020; therefore

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That Chapter 31, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, known as the budget bill, be supplemented and amended by decreasing an existing item of appropriation and adding a new item of appropriation to Title II, section 5 thereof, to read as follows:

Title II – Appropriations.

Sec. 5. Appropriations from State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund.

305 –Department of Education –

School Building Authority –

Fund 3514 FY 2020 Org 0402

1   Debt Service - Total...............................................................        31000           $              18,999,900

2   SBA Construction Grants......................................................        24000                                       100

3   Total.......................................................................................                             $              19,000,000

4          The School Building Authority shall have the authority to transfer between the above

5   appropriations in accordance with W.Va. Code §29-22-18a.

6          The above appropriation for SBA Construction Grants (fund 3514, appropriation 24000)

7   may be transferred to the Department of Education, State Board of Education, School

8   Construction Fund, fund 3951, organization 0402 to be used for school construction and

9   maintenance projects.