WEST virginia Legislature

2018 regular session


House Bill 4234

By Delegates Iaquinta, A. Evans, Hartman, Canestraro, R. Romine, Hamilton, Ellington, Walters, Dean, Barrett and Ferro

[Introduced January 22, 2018; Referred
to the Committee on Health and Human Resources then Finance.]

A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new section, designated §5-1E-6, relating to creating the "West Virginia Winner" program to promote healthy living, improve lifestyle and increase longevity of West Virginia residents by competing in various athletic and cultural events in the fifty-five counties; providing that the program be administered by the Office of Healthy Lifestyles; and declaring who may participate in the events together with participation fees.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


§5-1E-6. Additional powers and duties of the office; athletic and cultural events.

(a) In addition to the powers and authority conferred upon the Office of Healthy Lifestyles by the provisions of section three of this article, the Office of Healthy Lifestyles shall establish a program of specific athletic and cultural events to be known as "West Virginia Winner" to promote healthy living, improve life style and increase longevity of West Virginia residents by competing in various athletic and cultural events.

(b) The program shall develop a plan of competitive bidding for athletic and cultural procedures and events to be held in each of the counties of the state which shall provide the following.

(1) That the various athletic events may include, but not be limited to, any of the following participatory athletic events: Bowling, tennis, archery, swimming, track and field events, boccie, road bowling, volleyball, three-man basketball and golf. The various cultural events may include, but not be limited to, dancing, poetry composition and reading, singing, painting and sculpting, academic and historical events, chess, checkers, spelling bees and contests and video games. The Office of Healthy Lifestyles shall inform the county commission of each county of the specific events for participant bidding, including the type of venue required for the event, the minimum bid required for each event, the estimated cost of holding the event and that, if a county has the winning bid for an event, that county may establish the rules associated with participating in the event, whether athletic or cultural.

(2) That the county commission of each county shall determine in which types of events the county desires to participate and notify the Office of Healthy Lifestyles. The county commissions may then submit bids to the Office of Healthy Lifestyles and Governor's office to host a specific physical or cultural event. Bids shall be submitted on or before July 1, 2018 and opened by the Office of Healthy Lifestyles on July 1, 2018, which shall notify the county commissions of the counties with winning bids and for which events the county will host. During 2019 the Office of Healthy Lifestyles shall develop a plan for competitive athletic and culture events that shall be conducted in each county without the necessity of bidding, in addition to those events requiring competitive bidding. County commissions shall inform all other groups involved in the county such as parks and recreation, public schools and schools of higher education of the winning bid. All in-state colleges and universities may also be included to help facilitate the different activities that each county would like to conduct. There may be categories of participation in the various athletic and cultural events that include federal, state and local municipalities, in-state colleges and universities, hospitals, corporations, small businesses and different professional entities such as doctors, lawyers, accountants and others. Hospitals would compete in the Corporate Division.

(3) For winners in each event from each of the fifty-five counties in different age groups: The plan shall provide for five districts, composed of eleven counties each, with a winner in each event from each district if the county only prefers regional winners of all counties.

(4) For fees to be paid by participants in each event: There shall be a $10 participant fee for each event. Counties that win bids to host events shall send in total of the initial bid. These counties will be reimbursed twenty-five percent of their bids. Counties that do not win bids to host an event will send in one hundred percent of the participant fee to counties that have those events.

(5) That there is a participation fee with corporations employing fewer than two hundred-fifty people paying $1,000, corporations employing over two hundred-fifty people $5,000, small businesses $200, in-state colleges and universities $1,000, fraternal organizations and nonprofit organizations $125. Every individual who participates shall pay a one-time $10 entry fee.



NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to create the "West Virginia Winner" program to promote healthy living and improve lifestyle and increase longevity of West Virginia residents by competing in various athletic and cultural events in the fifty-five counties. The bill provides that the program be administered by the Office of Healthy Lifestyles. And, the bill declares who may participate in the events together with participation fees to be paid.

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.