H. B. 2835


                        (By Mr. Speaker, (Mr. Armstead) and Delegate Miley))

                        [By Request of the Executive]

                        [Introduced February 20, 2015; referred to the

                        Committee on Government Organization.]




A BILL to repeal §20-14-6 and §20-14-7 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; to amend and reenact §15-10-3 and §15-10-4; to amend and reenact §20-7-1 of said code; to amend and reenact §20-14-1, §20-14-2, §20-14-3, §20-14-4, §20-14-5, §20-14-8 and §20-14-9 of said code; to amend said code by adding thereto four new sections, designated §20-14-4a, §20-14-10, §20-14-11 and §20-14-12; to amend and reenact §20-15-2 and §20-15-5 of said code; to amend and reenact §30-29-1 of said code; and to amend and reenact §61-7-6 of said code, all relating to reorganization of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority; removing rangers as law-enforcement officers; providing for law-enforcement services to be provided by natural resources police officers under reimbursement by the authority; converting the authority to a joint development entity of counties; altering the composition of the authority's board; removing authorization to issue revenue bonds and create security interests; providing for financial review and oversight of public funds; defining prohibited uses and conduct in the recreation area; establishing requirements for bidding and purchasing; prohibiting conflicts of interest; creating criminal penalties and civil remedies; and declaring responsibilities of participants to landowners and lessors in the recreation area.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

            That §20-14-6 and §20-14-7 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be repealed; that §15-10-3 and §15-10-4 of said code be amended and reenacted; that §20-7-1 of said code be amended and reenacted; that §20-14-1, §20-14-2, §20-14-3, §20-14-4, §20-14-5, §20-14-8 and §20-14-9 of said code be amended and reenacted; that said code be amended by adding thereto four new sections, designated §20-14-4a, §20-14-10, §20-14-11 and §20-14-12; that §20-15-2 and §20-15-5 of said code be amended and reenacted; that §30-29-1 of said code be amended and reenacted; and that §61-7-6 of said code be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:



§15-10-3. Definitions.

            For purposes of this article only, and unless a different meaning plainly is required:

            (1) "Criminal justice enforcement personnel" means those persons within the state criminal justice system who are actually employed as members of the State Police, members of the Division of Protective Services, natural resources police officers, chiefs of police and police of incorporated municipalities, and county sheriffs and their deputies, and whose primary duties are the investigation of crime and the apprehension of criminals.

            (2) "Head of a law-enforcement agency" means the Superintendent of the State Police, the Director of the Division of Protective Services, the chief natural resources police officer of the Division of Natural Resources, a chief of police of an incorporated municipality, a county sheriff or the Director of the Division of Forestry.

            (3) "State or local law-enforcement officer" means any duly authorized member of a law-enforcement agency who is authorized to maintain public peace and order, prevent and detect crime, make arrests and enforce the laws of the state or any county or municipality thereof, other than parking ordinances, and includes persons employed as campus police officers at state institutions of higher education in accordance with the provisions of section five, article four, chapter eighteen-b of this code, although those institutions may not be considered law-enforcement agencies. The term includes persons employed as rangers by the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority in accordance with the provisions of section six, article fourteen, chapter twenty of this code, although the authority is not a law-enforcement agency.

            (4) "Head of campus police" means the superintendent or administrative head of state or local law-enforcement officers employed as campus police officers at state institutions of higher education in accordance with the provisions of section five, article four, chapter eighteen-b of this code.

            (5) “Head of the rangers of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority” means the superintendent or administrative head of state or local law-enforcement officers employed as rangers by the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority in accordance with the provisions of section six, article fourteen, chapter twenty of this code.

§15-10-4. Cooperation between law-enforcement agencies and other groups of state or local law-enforcement officers.

            (a) The head of any law-enforcement agency, or the head of any campus police or the head of the rangers of the Hatfield-McCoy regional recreational authority, as those terms are defined in section three of this article, may temporarily provide assistance and cooperation to another agency of the state criminal justice system or to a federal law-enforcement agency in investigating crimes or possible criminal activity if requested to do so in writing by the head of another law-enforcement agency or federal law-enforcement agency. Such assistance may also be provided upon the request of the head of the law-enforcement agency or federal law-enforcement agency without first being reduced to writing in emergency situations involving the imminent risk of loss of life or serious bodily injury. The assistance may include, but is not limited to, entering into a multijurisdictional task force agreement to integrate federal, state, county and municipal law-enforcement agencies or other groups of state or local law-enforcement officers, or any combination thereof, for the purpose of enhancing interagency coordination, intelligence gathering, facilitating multijurisdictional investigations, providing criminal justice enforcement personnel of the law-enforcement agency to work temporarily with personnel of another agency, including in an undercover capacity, and making available equipment, training, technical assistance and information systems for the more efficient investigation, apprehension and adjudication of persons who violate the criminal laws of this state or the United States, and to assist the victims of such crimes. When providing the assistance under this article, a head of a law-enforcement agency shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, policies or guidelines officially adopted by the state or the governing body of the city or county by which he or she is employed, and any conditions or restrictions included therein.

            (b) While temporarily assigned to work with another law-enforcement agency or agencies, criminal justice enforcement personnel and other state and local law-enforcement officers shall have the same jurisdiction, powers, privileges and immunities, including those relating to the defense of civil actions, as such criminal justice enforcement personnel would enjoy if actually employed by the agency to which they are assigned, in addition to any corresponding or varying jurisdiction, powers, privileges and immunities conferred by virtue of their continued employment with the assisting agency.

            (c) While assigned to another agency or to a multijurisdictional task force, criminal justice enforcement personnel and other state and local law-enforcement officers shall be subject to the lawful operational commands of the superior officers of the agency or task force to which they are assigned, but for personnel and administrative purposes, including compensation, they shall remain under the control of the assisting agency. These assigned personnel shall continue to be covered by all employee rights and benefits provided by the assisting agency, including workers' compensation, to the same extent as though such personnel were functioning within the normal scope of their duties.

            (d) No request or agreement between the heads of law-enforcement agencies, or the heads of campus police or the head of the rangers of the Hatfield-McCoy regional recreation authority, made or entered into pursuant to this article shall remain in force or effect until a copy of said request or agreement is filed with the office of the circuit clerk of the county or counties in which the law-enforcement agencies, or the campus police, or the Hatfield-McCoy regional recreation authority rangers involved operate. Agreements made pursuant to this article shall remain in effect unless and until the agreement is changed or withdrawn in writing by the head of one of the law-enforcement agencies. Upon filing, the requests or agreements may be sealed, subject to disclosure pursuant to an order of a circuit court directing disclosure for good cause. Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the authority of the head of a law-enforcement agency or the head of campus police or the head of the rangers of the Hatfield-McCoy regional recreation authority to withdraw from any agreement at any time.

            (e) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed so as to grant, increase, decrease or in any manner affect the civil service protection or the applicability of civil service laws as to any criminal justice enforcement personnel, or as to any state or local law-enforcement officer or agency operating under the authority of this article, nor shall this article in any way reduce or increase the jurisdiction or authority of any criminal justice enforcement personnel, or of any state or local law-enforcement officer or agency, except as specifically provided herein.

            (f) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed so as to authorize the permanent consolidation or merger or the elimination of operations of participating federal, state, county municipal law-enforcement agencies, or other groups of state and local law-enforcement officers, the head or campus police. or the head of the rangers of the Hatfield-McCoy regional recreation authority.



§20-7-1. Chief natural resources police officer; natural resources police officers; special and emergency natural resources police officers; subsistence allowance; expenses.

            (a) The division's law-enforcement policies, practices and programs are under the immediate supervision and direction of the division law-enforcement officer selected by the director and designated as chief natural resources police officer as provided in section thirteen, article one of this chapter.

            (b) Under the supervision of the director, the chief natural resources police officer shall organize, develop and maintain law-enforcement practices, means and methods geared, timed and adjustable to seasonal, emergency and other needs and requirements of the division’s comprehensive natural resources program. All division personnel detailed and assigned to law-enforcement duties and services under this section shall be known and designated as natural resources police officers and are under the immediate supervision and direction of the chief natural resources police officer except as otherwise provided. All natural resources police officers shall be trained, equipped and conditioned for duty and services wherever and whenever required by division law-enforcement needs. The chief natural resources police officer may also assign natural resources police officers to perform law-enforcement duties on any trail, grounds, appurtenant facility or other areas accessible to the public within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area, under agreement that the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, created pursuant to article fourteen of this chapter, shall reimburse the division for salaries paid to the officers and shall either pay directly or reimburse the division for all other expenses of the officers in accordance with actual or estimated costs determined by the chief natural resources police officer.

            (c) The chief natural resources police officer, acting under supervision of the director, is authorized to select and appoint emergency natural resources police officers for a limited period for effective enforcement of the provisions of this chapter when considered necessary because of emergency or other unusual circumstances. The emergency natural resources police officers shall be selected from qualified civil service personnel of the division, except in emergency situations and circumstances when the director may designate officers, without regard to civil service requirements and qualifications, to meet law-enforcement needs. Emergency natural resources police officers shall exercise all powers and duties prescribed in section four of this article for full-time salaried natural resources police officers except the provisions of subdivision (8) of said section.

            (d) The chief natural resources police officer, acting under supervision of the director, is also authorized to select and appoint as special natural resources police officers any full-time civil service employee who is assigned to, and has direct responsibility for management of, an area owned, leased or under the control of the division and who has satisfactorily completed a course of training established and administered by the chief natural resources police officer, when the action is considered necessary because of law-enforcement needs. The powers and duties of a special natural resources police officer, appointed under this provision, is the same within his or her assigned area as prescribed for full-time salaried natural resources police officers. The jurisdiction of the person appointed as a special natural resources police officer, under this provision, shall be limited to the division area or areas to which he or she is assigned and directly manages.

            (e) The Director of the Division of Forestry is authorized to appoint and revoke Division of Forestry special natural resources police officers who are full-time civil service personnel who have satisfactorily completed a course of training as required by the Director of the Division of Forestry. The jurisdiction, powers and duties of Division of Forestry special natural resources police officers are set forth by the Director of the Division of Forestry pursuant to article three of this chapter, and articles one-a and one-b, chapter nineteen of this code.

            (f) The chief natural resources police officer, with the approval of the director, has the power and authority to revoke any appointment of an emergency natural resources police officer or of a special natural resources police officer at any time.

            (g) Natural resources police officers are subject to seasonal or other assignment and detail to duty whenever and wherever required by the functions, services and needs of the division.

            (h) The chief natural resources police officer shall designate the area of primary residence of each natural resources police officer, including himself or herself. Since the area of business activity of the division is actually anywhere within the territorial confines of the State of West Virginia, actual expenses incurred shall be paid whenever the duties are performed outside the area of primary assignment and still within the state.

            (i) Natural resources police officers shall receive, in addition to their base pay salary, a minimum monthly subsistence allowance for their required telephone service, dry cleaning or required uniforms, and meal expenses while performing their regular duties in their area of primary assignment in the amount of $130 each month. This subsistence allowance does not apply to special or emergency natural resources police officers appointed under this section.

            (j) After June 30, 2010, all those full time law-enforcement officers employed by the Division of Natural Resources as conservation officers shall be titled and known as natural resources police officers. Wherever used in this code the term "conservation officer", or its plural, means "natural resources police officer", or its plural, respectively.

            (k) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the provisions of subdivision six, subsection c, section twelve, article twenty-one, chapter eleven of this code are inapplicable to pensions of natural resources police officers paid through the Public Employees Retirement System.


§20-14-1. Legislative findings.

            The West Virginia Legislature finds that there is a significant need within the state and throughout the eastern United States for well-managed facilities for trail-oriented recreation for off-highway motor vehicle enthusiasts. mountain bicyclists, equestrians and others. The Legislature further finds that under an appropriate contractual and management scheme, well-managed, trail-oriented, recreation facilities could exist on private property without diminishing the landowner's interest, control or profitability in the land and without increasing the landowner's exposure to liability.

            The Legislature further finds that, with the cooperation of private landowners, there is an opportunity to provide trail-oriented recreation facilities primarily on private property in the mountainous terrain of southern West Virginia and that the facilities will provide significant economic and recreational benefits to the state and to the communities in southern West Virginia through increased tourism in the same manner as whitewater rafting and snow skiing benefit the state and communities surrounding those activities.

            The Legislature further finds that the creation and empowering of a statutory corporation joint development entity to work with the landowners, county officials and community leaders, state and federal government agencies, recreational user groups and other interested parties to enable and facilitate the implementation of the facilities will greatly assist in the realization of these potential benefits.

            The Legislature further finds that it is in the best interests of the state to encourage private landowners to make available for public use through the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority land for these recreational purposes by limiting their liability for injury to persons entering thereon, by limiting their liability for injury to the property of persons entering thereon and by limiting their liability to persons who may be injured or otherwise damaged by the acts or omissions of persons entering thereon.

§20-14-2. Definitions.

            Unless the context clearly requires a different meaning, the terms used in this section have the following meanings:

            (a) "Authority" means the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreational Authority;

            (b) "Board" means the board of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority;

            (c) "Charge" means, for purposes of limiting liability for recreational purposes set forth in this article, the amount of money asked in return for an invitation to enter or go upon the land, including a one-time fee for a particular event, amusement, occurrence, adventure, incident, experience or occasion as set by the authority: Provided, That the authority may set charges in differing amounts for different categories of participants, including, but not limited to, in-state and out-of-state participants, as the authority sees fit;

            (d) "Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area" means a system of recreational trails and appurtenant facilities, including trail head centers, parking areas, camping facilities, picnic areas, recreational areas, historic or cultural interpretive sites and other facilities that are a part of the system;

            (e) "Land" includes, but is not limited to, roads, water, watercourses, private ways and buildings, structures and machinery or equipment thereon when attached to the realty;

            (f) "Owner" means those vested with title to real estate and those with the ability to exercise control over real estate and includes, but is not limited to, tenant, lessee, licensee, holder of a dominant estate or other lawful occupant; or person in control of the premises;

            (g) "Recreational purposes" includes, but is not limited to, any one or any combination of the following noncommercial recreational activities: Hunting, fishing, swimming, boating, camping, picnicking, hiking, pleasure driving, motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle riding, bicycling, horseback riding, nature study, water skiing, winter sports and visiting, viewing or enjoying historical, archaeological, scenic or scientific sites or otherwise using land for purposes of the user;

            (g) "Participant" means any person using the land, trails and facilities of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area;

            (h) "Participating county or counties" means the counties of Boone, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Wayne and Wyoming and with the approval of the board, any other county or counties where trails and other recreational facilities relating to the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area are developed in the future with the cooperation of the county commission that have agreed to operate the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority as a joint development entity and to participate in its governance; and

            (i) "Recreational purposes" includes, but is not limited to, any one or any combination of the following noncommercial recreational activities: Hunting, fishing, swimming, boating, camping, picnicking, hiking, pleasure driving, motorcycle or motor vehicle driving and riding, bicycling, horseback riding, nature study, water skiing, winter sports and visiting, viewing or enjoying historical, archaeological, scenic or scientific sites or otherwise using land for purposes of the user.

§20-14-3. Creation; appointment of board; terms.

            (a) There is hereby created the "Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority" which is a public corporation and a government instrumentality existing The public corporation, the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, previously created by this section is hereby converted to a new public corporation created as a joint development entity of the participating counties This joint development entity is created for the purpose of enabling and facilitating the development and operation of a system of trail-oriented recreation facilities for use by off-highway motor vehicle enthusiasts. equestrians, mountain bicyclists and others. This recreational trail system shall be located in southern West Virginia the counties of Boone, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Wayne and Wyoming with significant portions of the recreational trail system being located on private property made available for use through lease, license, easement or other appropriate legal form by a willing landowner.

            (b) The authority shall be governed by a board of at least seventeen no more than eighteen members who shall be representative of the various interests involved in the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area project in the southern region of the state participating counties and who shall be appointed as follows:

            (1) The county commission of each participating county, as defined in section two of this article, shall appoint two members of the board as follows:

            (A) One member who represents and is associated with a corporation or individual landowner whose land is being used or is expected to be used in the future as part of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area project or who is associated with a mining, logging, natural gas or other resource-extraction industry or who is a licensed land surveyor or licensed professional engineer. This member shall be appointed to a four-year term.

            (B) One member who represents and is associated with travel and tourism or economic development efforts within the county. The initial appointment shall be for a two-year term, but all subsequent appointments shall be for a four-year term.

            (2) The members of the board appointed under subdivision (1), subsection (b) of this section by the county commissions shall appoint three additional board members, at least two of whom represent and are associated with recreational users of the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area project. These members shall serve three-year terms.

            (3) The following three persons shall serve as nonvoting members representing the state: The director of the division of travel and tourism, the director of the Division of Natural Resources, and the director of the Division of Forestry, or their respective designees.

            Any appointed member whose term has expired shall serve until his or her successor has been duly appointed and qualified. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired term. Any appointed member is eligible for reappointment. The terms of the members serving as of the date of enactment the amendments of this section made during the 2015 regular session of the Legislature shall expire on June 30, 2015, and each participating county shall appoint two members to the board of the newly converted public corporation with terms to commence on July 1, 2015. Members of the board are not entitled to compensation for services performed as members but are entitled to reimbursement for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties.

            (c) Before the authority issues any revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds under the authority of this article, each appointed voting member of the board shall execute a surety bond in the penal sum of $25,000 and the officers and executive director of the board shall each execute a surety bond in the penal sum of $50,000. Each surety bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the member, officer or director, shall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in this state as surety and shall be approved by the Governor and filed in the office of the Secretary of State. The authority shall pay premiums on the surety bonds from funds accruing to the authority.

            The conversion of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority to a joint development entity does not terminate or interrupt its status as a public corporation. The amendments to this article made during the 2015 regular session of the Legislature do not alter the debts, liabilities, responsibilities or other obligations of any party with regard to this public corporation.

            (d) The Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority is a "public body" for purposes of the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act, as provided in article one, chapter twenty-nine-b of this code.

§20-14-4. Board; quorum; executive director; expenses.

            The board is the governing body of the authority and the board shall exercise all the powers given the authority in this article.

            The board shall meet quarterly, unless a special meeting is called by its chairman: Provided, That on the second Monday of July of each even-numbered at the first meeting of each fiscal year beginning in an odd-numbered year, or as soon thereafter as feasible, the board shall meet to elect a chairman, secretary and treasurer from among its own members.

            A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum, and a quorum shall be present for the board to conduct business. Unless the bylaws require a larger number, action may be taken by majority vote of the members present.

            The board shall may prescribe, amend, and repeal bylaws and rules governing the manner in which the business of the authority is conducted, rules governing the use of the trail system and the safety of participants and shall review and approve an annual budget. The fiscal year for the authority begins on July 1, and ends on the thirtieth day of the following June.

            The board shall appoint an executive director to act as its chief executive officer, to serve at the will and pleasure of the board. The board, acting through its executive director, may employ any other personnel considered necessary and may appoint counsel and legal staff for the authority and retain such temporary engineering, financial and other consultants or technicians as may be required for any special study or survey consistent with the provisions of this article. The executive director shall carry out plans to implement the provisions of this article and to exercise those powers enumerated in the bylaws. The executive director shall prepare annually a budget to be submitted to the board for its review and approval prior to the commencement of each fiscal year. The budget shall contain a detailed account of all planned and proposed revenue and expenditures for the authority for the upcoming fiscal year, including a detailed list of employees by title, salary, cost of projected benefits and total compensation. Before August 15, the executive director shall provide to the board and the county commission for each participating county a detailed list of actual expenditures and revenue by account and recipient name for the previous fiscal year and a copy of the approved budget for the current fiscal year.

            All costs incidental to the administration of the authority, including office expenses, personal services expense and current expense, shall be paid in accordance with guidelines issued by the board from funds accruing to the authority.

            All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this article shall be payable solely from funds provided under the authority of this article and no liability or obligation may be incurred by the authority under this article beyond the extent to which moneys have been provided under the authority of this article.

§20-14-4a. Financial review and oversight.

            (a) The authority shall contract for and obtain an annual financial audit to be conducted by a private accounting firm in compliance with generally accepted government auditing standards. When complete, the audit shall be transmitted to the board, the president of the county commission of each participating county and the Legislative Auditor. The cost of the audit shall be paid by the authority.

            (b) If the authority receives any funds from the Legislature by appropriation or grant, the Legislative Auditor shall have the power and authority to examine the revenues, expenditures and performance of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority and for these purposes shall have the power to inspect the properties, equipment, facilities of the authority and to request, inspect and obtain copies of any records of the authority. For each fiscal year in which the authority receives any funds from the Legislature by appropriation or grant, the executive director shall provide to the Legislative Auditor and Secretary of Revenue a detailed list of actual expenditures and revenue by account and recipient name for the previous fiscal year within forty-five days of the close of that fiscal year.

§20-14-5. Powers of authority.

            The authority, as a public corporation and governmental instrumentality exercising public powers of the state joint development entity, may exercise all powers necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this article, including, but not limited to, the power:

            (1) To acquire, own, hold and dispose of property, real and personal, tangible and intangible;

            (2) To lease property, whether as lessee or lessor, and to acquire or grant through easement, license or other appropriate legal form, the right to develop and use property and open it to the use of the public;

            (3) To mortgage or otherwise grant security interests in its property;

            (4) To procure insurance against any losses in connection with its property, license or easements, contracts, including hold-harmless agreements, operations or assets in such amounts and from such insurers as the authority considers desirable;

            (5) To maintain such sinking funds and reserves as the board determines appropriate for the purposes of meeting future monetary obligations and needs of the authority;

            (6) To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded and complain and defend in any court;

            (7) To contract for the provision of legal services by private counsel and, notwithstanding the provisions of article three, chapter five of this code, the counsel may, in addition to the provisions of other legal services, represent the authority in court, negotiate contracts and other agreements on behalf of the authority, render advice to the authority on any matter relating to the authority, prepare contracts and other agreements and provide such other legal services as may be requested by the authority;

            (8) To adopt, use and alter at will a corporate seal;

            (9) To make, amend, repeal and adopt bylaws for the management and regulation of its affairs;

            (10) To appoint officers, agents and employees and to contract for and engage the services of consultants;

            (11) To make contracts of every kind and nature and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient for carrying on its business, including contracts with any other governmental agency of this state or of the federal government or with any person, individual, partnership or corporation to effect any or all of the purposes of this article;

            (12) Without in any way limiting any other subdivision of this section, to accept grants and loans from and enter into contracts and other transactions with any federal agency;

            (13) To maintain an office at such places within the state as it may designate;

            (14) To borrow money and to issue its bonds, security interests or notes and to provide for and secure the payment of the bonds, security interests or notes and to provide for the rights of the holders of the bonds, security interests or notes and to purchase, hold and dispose of any of its bonds, security interests or notes;

            (15) To sell, at public or private sale, any bond or other negotiable instrument, security interest or obligation of the authority in such manner and upon such terms as the authority considers would best serve the purposes of this article;

            (16) To issue its bonds, security interests and notes payable solely from the revenues or other funds available to the authority, and the authority may issue its bonds, security interests or notes in such principal amounts as it considers necessary to provide funds for any purpose under this article, including:

            (A) The payment, funding or refunding of the principal of, interest on or redemption premiums on any bonds, security interests or notes issued by it whether the bonds, security interests, notes or interest to be funded or refunded have or have not become due;

            (B) The establishment or increase of reserves to secure or to pay bonds, security interests, notes or the interest on the bonds, security interest or notes and all other costs or expenses of the authority incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and powers. Any bonds, security interests or Notes may be additionally secured by a pledge of any revenues, funds, assets or moneys of the authority from any source whatsoever;

            (17) (16) To issue renewal notes or security interests, to issue bonds to pay notes or security interests and, whenever it considers refunding expedient, to refund any bonds by the issuance of new bonds, whether the bonds to be refunded have or have not matured except that no renewal notes may be issued to mature more than ten years from the date of issuance of the notes renewed and no refunding bonds may be issued to mature more than twenty-five years from the date of issuance;

            (18) (17) To apply the proceeds from the sale of renewal notes, security interests of refunding bonds to the purchase, redemption or payment of the notes security interests or bonds to be refunded;

            (19) (18) To accept gifts or grants of property, funds, security interests, money, materials, labor, supplies or services from the federal government or from any governmental unit or any person, firm or corporation and to carry out the terms or provisions of or make agreements with respect to or pledge any gifts or grants and to do any and all things necessary, useful, desirable or convenient in connection with the procuring, acceptance or disposition of gifts or grants;

            (20) (19) To the extent permitted under its contracts with the holders of bonds, security interests or notes of the authority, to consent to any modification of the rate of interest, time of payment of any installment of principal or interest, security or any other term of any bond, security interest, note, contract or agreement of any kind to which the authority is a party;

            (21) To sell security interests in the loan portfolio of the authority. The security interests shall be evidenced by instruments issued by the authority. Proceeds from the sale of security interests may be issued in the same manner and for the same purposes as bond and note venues;

            (22) To promulgate legislative rules in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code as necessary to implement and make effective the powers, duties and responsibilities invested in the authority by the provisions of this article and otherwise by law, including regulation of the conduct of persons using the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code to the contrary, until the Legislature has authorized the rules, the authority may promulgate emergency rules for those purposes pursuant to section fifteen, article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code;

            (23) (20) To construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain, repair, operate and manage the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area at the locations within the state participating counties as may be determined by the authority;

            (21) To enter into an agreement with the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources for natural resources police officers to provide law-enforcement services within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area and to reimburse the Division of Natural Resources for its costs therefor;

            (24) (22) To exercise all power and authority provided in this article necessary and convenient to plan, finance, construct, renovate, maintain and operate or oversee the operation of the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area at such locations within the state participating counties as may be determined by the authority;

            (25) (23) To exercise such other and additional powers as may be necessary or appropriate for the exercise of the powers conferred in this section;

            (26) (24) To exercise all of the powers which a corporation may lawfully exercise under the laws of this state;

            (27) To provide for law enforcement within the Hatfield-McCoy recreational area by appointing rangers as provided in section six of this article;

            (28) (25) To develop, maintain and operate or to contract for the development, maintenance and operation of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area;

            (29) (26) To enter into contract with landowners and other persons holding an interest in the land being used for its recreational facilities to hold those landowners and other persons harmless with respect to any claim in tort growing out of the use of the land for public recreation recreational purposes or growing out of the recreational activities operated or managed by the authority from any claim except a claim for damages proximately caused by the willful or malicious conduct of the landowner or other person or any of his or her agents or employees;

            (30) (27) To assess and collect a reasonable fee from those persons who use the trails, parking facilities, visitor centers or other facilities which are part of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area and to retain and utilize that revenue for any purposes consistent with this article;

            (31) To cooperate with the states of Kentucky and Virginia and appropriate state and local officials and community leaders in those states to connect the trails of the West Virginia portion of the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area with similar recreation facilities in those states;

            (32) (28) To enter into contracts or other appropriate legal arrangements with landowners under which their land is made available for use as part of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area; and

            (33) (29) To directly operate and manage recreation activities and facilities within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area.

§20-14-8. Prohibited acts, penalty.

            (a) Any person who violates any of the rules promulgated by the board pursuant to this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense.

            (b) Any person who violates any of the rules promulgated by the board pursuant of this article relating to permits or failure to purchase a permit, safety violations or other civil violations is subject to a civil penalty of $100. Authority rangers shall issue citations for civil violations.

            (c) All civil penalties for civil violations received pursuant to this section shall be remitted to the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority for use by the board in is discretion for the benefit of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area. Effective July 1, 2008, the special revenue fund known as the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Fund shall be terminated, and any and all funds remaining in the fund shall be transferred from the fund and remitted to the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority for use by the board in its discretion for the benefit of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area.

            (a) A person may not enter or remain upon the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area without a valid, nontransferrable user permit issued by the authority and properly displayed, except properly identified landowners or leaseholders or their officers, employees or agents while on the land that the person owns or leases for purposes related to the ownership or lease of the land and not for recreational purposes;

            (b) A person may not consume or possess any alcoholic liquor at any time or any location within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area.

            (c) The operator or passenger of a motor vehicle within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area shall wear size-appropriate protective helmets at all times. All operators and passengers shall wear helmets that meet the current performance specifications established by the American National Standards Institute standard, z 90.1, the United States Department of Transportation Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard no. 218 or Snell Memorial Foundation safety standards for protective headgear for vehicle users.

            (d) Each trail user shall obey all traffic laws, traffic-control devices and signs within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area, including those which restrict trails to certain types of motor vehicles, motorcycles or those equipped with roll cages.

            (e) Each trail user shall at all times remain within and on a designated and marked trail while within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area.

            (f) A person may not be on any trail within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area at any time from one half-hour after sunset until one half-hour before sunrise, except in an emergency.

            (g) Every person within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area who is under sixteen years of age shall at all times be under the immediate supervision of and within sight of a person who is at least eighteen years of age and who either is a parent or guardian of the youth or has the express permission of a parent or guardian to supervise the youth. No parent, guardian or supervising adult may allow a child under the age of sixteen years to leave that person's sight and supervision within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area.

            (h) A person may not ignite or maintain any fire within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area except at a clearly marked location at a trailhead center.

            (i) A person within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area may not operate a motor vehicle in any competition or exhibition of speed, acceleration, racing, test of physical endurance or climbing ability unless in an event sanctioned by the authority.

            (j) Every person operating a motor vehicle within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a motor vehicle by the provisions of chapter seventeen-c of this code except where inconsistent with the provisions of this article and except as to those provisions of chapter seventeen-c of this code which by their nature can have no application and may not operate a motor vehicle in violation of those duties.

            (k) A person may not possess a glass container while riding on a motor vehicle within the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area.

            (l) A person may not operate or ride in a utility terrain vehicle, as defined in article one, chapter seventeen-f of this code, or any other motor vehicle with bench or bucket seating and a steering wheel for control unless equipped with seat belts meeting at a minimum federal motor vehicle safety standards and properly worn by the driver and all passengers.

            (m) A person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100. Prosecution or conviction for the misdemeanor described in this subsection shall not prevent or disqualify any other civil or criminal remedies for the conduct prohibited by this section.

§20-14-9. Limiting liability.

            (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section three, article twenty-five, chapter nineteen, An owner of land used by or for the stated purposes of the Hatfield-McCoy regional recreation authority, whether with or without charge, owes no duty of care to keep the premises safe for entry or use by others for recreational purposes or to give any warning of a dangerous or hazardous condition, use, structure or activity on the premises to persons entering for those purposes.

            (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section three, article twenty-five, chapter nineteen of this code, the landowner or lessor of the property for recreational purposes does not thereby: (a) Extend any assurance that the premises are safe for any purpose; or (b) confer upon such persons the legal status of an invitee or licensee to whom a duty of care is owed; or (c) assume responsibility for or incur liability for any injury to person or property caused by an act or omission of these persons.

            (c) (b) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, an owner who grants a lease, easement or license of land to the authority for recreational purposes, whether with or without charge, owes no duty of care to keep that land safe for entry or use by others or to give warning to persons entering or going upon the land of any dangerous or hazardous conditions, uses, structures or activities thereon. An owner who grants a lease, easement or license of land to the authority for recreational purposes does not by giving a lease, easement or license: (1) Extend any assurance to any person using the land that the premises are safe for any purpose; (2) confer upon those persons the legal status of an invitee or licensee to whom a duty of care is owed; or (3) assume responsibility for or incur liability for any injury to person or property caused by an act or omission of a person who enters upon the leased land. The provisions of this section apply whether the person entering upon the land is an invitee, licensee, trespasser or otherwise.

            (d) (c) Nothing herein limits in any way any liability which otherwise exists for deliberate, willful or malicious infliction of injury to persons or property: Provided, That nothing herein limits in any way the obligation of a person entering upon or using the land of another for recreational purposes to exercise due care in his or her use of the land and in his or her activities thereon, so as to prevent the creation of hazards or the commission of waste by himself or herself. Provided, however, That equestrians who are using the land upon which the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area is located but who are not engaged in a commercial profit-making venture are exempt from the provisions of subsection (d), section five, article four, chapter twenty of this code.

§20-14-10. Purchasing and bidding procedures.

            (a) Whenever the authority proposes to purchase or contract for commodities or services reasonably anticipated to equal or exceed $2,500 in cost, the purchase or contract shall be based on competitive bids. Where the purchase of particular commodities or services within a fiscal year is $25,000 or less, the executive director may, on behalf of the authority, solicit bids or price quotes in any manner that the executive director deems appropriate and the authority shall obtain its commodities or services by the lowest bid. In lieu of seeking bids or quotes for commodities or services in this price range, the authority may purchase those commodities and services pursuant to state master contracts as provided in section ten-e, article three, chapter five-a of this code.

            (b) Where the cost for the purchase of commodities or services is reasonably anticipated to exceed $25,000, the executive director shall solicit sealed bids for the commodities or services to be provided. Bids shall be solicited by public notice. The notice shall be published as a Class II legal advertisement in all participating counties in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and by such other means as the executive director deems appropriate. The notice shall state the general character of the work and general character of the materials to be furnished, the place where plans and specifications therefor may be examined and the time and place of receiving bids. The executive director may permit bids by electronic transmission to be accepted in lieu of sealed bids. After all bids are received, the authority shall enter into a written contract with the lowest responsible bidder; however, the authority may reject any or all bids that fail to meet the specifications required by the authority or that exceed the authority's budget estimation for those commodities or services. If the executive director determines in writing that there is only one responsive and responsible bidder and that there has been sufficient public notice to attract competitive bids, he or she may negotiate the price for a noncompetitive award or the specifications for a noncompetitive award based solely on the original purpose of the solicitation.

            (c) For any contract that exceeds $25,000 in total cost, the authority shall require the vendors to post a bond, with form and surety to be approved by the authority, in an amount equal to at least fifty percent of the contract price conditioned upon faithful performance and completion of the contract.

            (d) The bidding requirements specified in this section do not apply to any leases for real property upon which the authority makes improvements for public access to the recreation area, information distribution and welcome centers. This exemption does not apply to leases for offices, vehicle and heavy equipment storage or administrative facilities.

            (e) Any person who violates a provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in jail not less than ten days nor more than one year, or fined not less than $10 nor more than $1000, or both confined and fined.

§20-14-11. Conflicts of interest prohibiting certain contracts.

            (a) No contract, change order to a prior contract or renewal of any contract may be awarded or entered by the authority to any vendor or prospective vendor when the vendor or prospective vendor is a member of the board or an employee of the authority, or a spouse, sibling, child or parent of a member of the board or an employee of the authority or to any vendor or prospective vendor in which a member of the board or employee of the authority, or a spouse, sibling, child or parent of a member of the board or an employee of the authority has an ownership interest of greater than five percent.

            (b) No contract, change order to a prior contract or renewal of any contract may be awarded or entered by the authority to any vendor or prospective vendor when the vendor or prospective vendor is a member of the West Virginia Legislature, or a spouse, sibling, child or parent of a member of the Legislature, or to any vendor or prospective vendor in which a member of the Legislature or a spouse, sibling, child or parent of a member of the Legislature, has an ownership interest of greater than five percent.

            (c) All responses to bid solicitations, requests for quotation, requests for proposal, contracts, change orders and contract renewals with the authority submitted or approved under the provisions of this article shall include an affidavit that the vendor or prospective vendor is not in violation of this section.

            (d) Any person who violates a provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in jail not less than ten days nor more than one year, or fined not less than $10 nor more than $1000, or both confined and fined.

§20-14-12. Civil remedies for unlawful purchasing and contracts.

            The county commission of any participating county may challenge the validity of any contract or purchase entered, solicited or proposed by the authority in violation of sections ten or eleven of this article by seeking declaratory or injunctive relief in the circuit court of the county of the challenging party. If the court finds by a preponderance of evidence that the provisions of sections ten or eleven of this article have been violated, the court may declare the contract or purchase to be void and may grant any injunctive relief necessary to correct the violations and protect the funds of the authority as a joint development entity.


§20-15-2. Definitions.

            The terms in this article have the following meaning, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

            (1) "All-terrain vehicle" or “ATV” means any motor vehicle designed for off-highway use and designed to travel on not less than three low-pressure tires, having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and handlebars for steering control and intended by the manufacturer to be used by a single operator or by an operator and no more than one passenger.

            (2) "Authorized outfitter" or "licensee" means a commercial outfitter, which is a person, partnership, limited liability company ("LLC"), corporation, other organization, or any combination thereof, licensed by the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, who operates from any temporary or permanent camp, private or public lodge, or private home, who provides guided tours or the rental of all-terrain vehicles, utility-terrain vehicles or motorcycles for use on assigned lands for monetary profit or gain.

            (3) "Low-pressure tire" means every tire in which twenty pounds per square inch or less of compressed air is designed to support the load.

            (4) "Motorcycle" means any motor vehicle manufactured with no more than two wheels and having a seat or saddle for the use of the operator.

            (5) "Participant" means any person using the land, trails and facilities of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority.

            (6) "Utility-terrain vehicle" or "UTV" means any motor vehicle with four or more low-pressure tires designed for off-highway use having bench or bucket seating for each occupant and a steering wheel for control.

§20-15-5. Duties of participants.

            (a) All participants:

            (1) Shall comply with any requirements established by law, including those in section one, article one, chapter seventeen-f of this code, which defines those acts prohibited by operators of all-terrain vehicles;

            (2) Shall comply with the rules or regulations established for use of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area;

            (3) Shall, as to the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority or to any recreation area landowner, lessor, authorized outfitter or licensee, expressly assume the risk of and legal responsibility for any injury, loss or damage to person or property which results from participation in operating an all-terrain vehicle, utility-terrain vehicle or motorcycle, and caused by any of the following:

            (A) Variations in terrain, slope or angle of terrain;

            (B) Surface or subsurface conditions including: Rocks, trees or other forms of forest growth or debris;

            (C) Collisions with signs, markers, width restrictors, culverts, bridges, pipes, equipment, vehicles or any other objects or fixtures used in trail management, maintenance, construction or development;

            (D) Collisions with signs, markers, pipes, equipment, vehicles or any component thereof used in natural resource maintenance, development or extraction;

            (E) Collisions with electrical transmission poles, towers, lines, guy wires or any component thereof;

            (4) Shall obey all rules or instructions announced by the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, authorized outfitter or licensee, with regard to the operation of the all-terrain vehicle or motorcycle he or she is operating; and

            (5) Shall wear all safety equipment provided by the authorized outfitter or licensee, or which might otherwise be required by law.

            (b) Each participant shall have the sole individual responsibility for:

            (1) Knowing the range of his or her own ability to negotiate any slope or trail;

            (2) Operating the ATV, UTV or motorcycle within the limits of the participant’s own ability;

            (3) Maintaining reasonable control of speed and course at all times;

            (4) Heeding all posted warnings;

            (5) Operating only on trails designated by the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority; and

            (6) Refraining from acting in a manner which a reasonable person would believe to be likely to cause or contribute to the injury of any person.

            (c) If while riding an ATV, UTV or motorcycle any participant collides with any object or person, the responsibility for the collision shall be solely that of the participant or participants involved and not that of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, any recreation area landowner, lessor, authorized outfitter or licensee unless the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, recreation area landowner, lessor, authorized outfitter or licensee or their agent caused the collision in a tortious manner.

            (d) After an accident, a participant may not leave the area where the accident took place without:

            (1) Leaving personal identification, including his or her name and address;

            (2) Notifying the proper authorities; and

            (3) Obtaining assistance when he or she knows or reasonably should know that any other person involved in the accident is in need of medical or other assistance.

            (e) Where a participant is a lawful passenger, that participant may not distract or perform any act which might interfere with the safe operation of the all-terrain vehicle, utility-terrain vehicle or motorcycle of which he or she is a passenger.

            (f) Any person under the age of sixteen years shall remain under the direct supervision and within sight of a parent or guardian both of whom must otherwise comply with state or federal laws and any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder.

            (g) A participant may not make any alterations or tamper with the all-terrain vehicle, utility-terrain vehicle or motorcycle he or she is operating or of which he or she is a passenger in any way which would interfere with the continued safe operation of that machine.



§30-29-1. Definitions.

            For the purposes of this article, unless a different meaning clearly appears in the context:

            (1) "Approved law-enforcement training academy" means any training facility which is approved and authorized to conduct law-enforcement training as provided in this article;

            (2) "Chief executive" means the superintendent of the State Police; the chief natural resources police officer of the Division of Natural Resources; the sheriff of any West Virginia county; any administrative deputy appointed by the chief natural resources police officer of the Division of Natural Resources; or the chief of any West Virginia municipal law-enforcement agency;

            (3) "County" means the fifty-five major political subdivisions of the state;

            (4) "Exempt rank" means any noncommissioned or commissioned rank of sergeant or above;

            (5) "Governor's committee on crime, delinquency and correction" or "Governor's committee" means the Governor's committee on crime, delinquency and correction established as a state planning agency pursuant to section one, article nine, chapter fifteen of this code;

            (6) "Law-enforcement officer" means any duly authorized member of a law-enforcement agency who is authorized to maintain public peace and order, prevent and detect crime, make arrests and enforce the laws of the state or any county or municipality thereof, other than parking ordinances, and includes those persons employed as campus police officers at state institutions of higher education in accordance with the provisions of section five, article four, chapter eighteen-b of this code, and persons employed by the Public Service Commission as motor carrier inspectors and weight enforcement officers charged with enforcing commercial motor vehicle safety and weight restriction laws although those institutions and agencies may not be considered law-enforcement agencies. The term also includes those persons employed as rangers by the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority in accordance with the provisions of section six, article fourteen, chapter twenty of this code, or by resort area districts in accordance with the provisions of section twenty-three, article twenty-five, chapter seven of this code, although neither the authority nor any no resort area district may be considered a law-enforcement agency: Provided, That the subject rangers shall pay the tuition and costs of training. As used in this article, the term "law-enforcement officer" does not apply to the chief executive of any West Virginia law-enforcement agency or any watchman or special natural resources police officer;

            (7) "Law-enforcement official" means the duly appointed chief administrator of a designated law-enforcement agency or a duly authorized designee;

            (8) "Municipality" means any incorporated town or city whose boundaries lie within the geographic boundaries of the state;

            (9) "Subcommittee" or "law-enforcement professional standards subcommittee" means the subcommittee of the Governor's committee on crime, delinquency and correction created by section two of this article; and

            (10) "West Virginia law-enforcement agency" means any duly authorized state, county or municipal organization employing one or more persons whose responsibility is the enforcement of laws of the state or any county or municipality thereof: Provided, That neither the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, the Public Service Commission nor any state institution of higher education nor any resort area district is a law-enforcement agency.



§61-7-6. Exceptions as to prohibitions against carrying concealed handguns; exemptions from licensing fees.

            (a) The licensure provisions set forth in this article do not apply to:

            (1) Any person:

            (A) Carrying a deadly weapon upon his or her own premises;

            (B) Carrying a firearm, unloaded, from the place of purchase to his or her home, residence or place of business or to a place of repair and back to his or her home, residence or place of business; or

            (C) Possessing a firearm while hunting in a lawful manner or while traveling from his or her home, residence or place of business to a hunting site and returning to his or her home, residence or place of business;

            (2) Any person who is a member of a properly organized target-shooting club authorized by law to obtain firearms by purchase or requisition from this state or from the United States for the purpose of target practice from carrying any pistol, as defined in this article, unloaded, from his or her home, residence or place of business to a place of target practice and from any place of target practice back to his or her home, residence or place of business, for using any such weapon at a place of target practice in training and improving his or her skill in the use of the weapons;

            (3) Any law-enforcement officer or law-enforcement official as defined in section one, article twenty-nine, chapter thirty of this code;

            (4) Any employee of the West Virginia Division of Corrections duly appointed pursuant to the provisions of section eleven-c, article one, chapter twenty-five of this code while the employee is on duty;

            (5) Any member of the armed forces of the United States or the militia of this state while the member is on duty;

            (6) Any resident of another state who holds a valid permit or license to possess or carry a handgun issued by a state or a political subdivision subject to the provisions and limitations set forth in section six-a of this article;

            (7) Any federal law-enforcement officer or federal police officer authorized to carry a weapon in the performance of the officer’s duty; and

            (8) Any Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority Ranger while the ranger is on duty; and

            (9) (8) Any parole officer appointed pursuant to section fourteen, article twelve, chapter sixty-two of this code in the performance of their duties.

            (b) On and after July 1, 2013, the following judicial officers and prosecutors and staff shall be exempted from paying any application fees or licensure fees required under this article. However, on and after that same date, they shall be required to make application and satisfy all licensure and handgun safety and training requirements set forth in section four of this article before carrying a concealed handgun in this state:

            (1) Any justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia;

            (2) Any circuit judge;

            (3) Any retired justice or retired circuit judge designated senior status by the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia;

            (4) Any family court judge;

            (5) Any magistrate;

            (6) Any prosecuting attorney;

            (7) Any assistant prosecuting attorney; or

            (8) Any duly appointed investigator employed by a prosecuting attorney.


            NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to reorganize the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority as a multicounty joint development entity and to provide for an orderly conversion of the powers, responsibilities and legal relationships for that entity.

            Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.

            §20-14-4a, §20-14-10, §20-14-11 and §20-14-12 are new; therefore, they have been completely underscored.