HR15 HFA Fluharty 2-24

Altizer – 3259


Delegate Fluharty moves to amend HR15 on line 5, following the resolved clause by striking out the remainder of the resolution and inserting in lieu thereof, the following:

That House Rule 92a and 93 be amended to read as follows:

"92a. Any bill or joint resolution pending in the House at the time of sine die adjournment of the First Regular Session of a Legislature, or extended First Regular Session thereof, which has not been rejected, laid on the table or postponed indefinitely by the House, shall carry over in its original form to the Second Regular Session only at the request of the sponsor of the bill or resolution, such request to be made to the Clerk of the House not later than thirty days prior to the commencement of the session.

After receiving notice from the first-named sponsor of his or her intent to carry over the bill, the Clerk of the House shall cause such bill to be introduced. notify all cosponsors that the bill will be carried over. All cosponsors shall have ten days after the date of notice to notify the Clerk of the House that their names should be removed from the bill to be carried over. 

Any such bill or joint resolution shall retain its original number and shall be deemed to be reintroduced on the first day of the Second Regular Session and shall, except as otherwise directed by the Speaker, be treated as referred to the committee or committees to which it was originally referred. 

In the case of any House bill or joint resolution which has been passed or adopted by the House, such bill or resolution shall likewise be deemed to be reintroduced and referred, except as otherwise directed by the Speaker, to the committee or committees to which it was originally referred.

This rule shall not apply to any bill or joint resolution solely sponsored by a former member, to supplemental appropriation or budget bills, to bills which promulgate legislative rules, to bills which expire or continue state agencies pursuant to the West Virginia Sunset Law, to bills of a local nature, or to any bill or joint resolution introduced during any extraordinary session.





To amend Rule 93 as follows:

"Sponsorship of bills.

93. All bills for introduction shall be presented in duplicate. bearing the name of the first-named sponsor and the name or names of all sponsors by whom they are to be introduced. All House Bills shall be introduced at the request of a member or members of the House. The name of the member or members directing introduction of the bill shall not appear on the bill. The original copy shall constitute the official bill for use of committees and for the permanent files of the House"



94. A bill may be introduced bearing the names of not more than eleven members as joint sponsors of the bill. Any bill sponsored at the request of the Governor shall be indicated as introduced "At the request of the executive." Any bill introduced at the request of a constituent shall be indicated as "By a request of a constituent." Any bill introduced at the request of a state agency shall be indicated as "By request of (the state agency)."


That House Rules 94A and 94b be repealed;


That the title to the Resolution be amended to read as follows:

"Amending House Rules 92a, 93 and 94 and repealing House Rules, 94a and 94b to provide that member names do not appear as sponsors on bills."