Commending James L. Wood.


Agreed to by the Senate, March 11, 2022


WHEREAS, James L. Wood, an outstanding public servant, has made numerous contributions to the Virginia Beach community as a law-enforcement officer and an elected official; and

WHEREAS, a graduate of Princess Anne High School, James "Jim" Wood holds degrees from Washington and Lee University and Sam Houston University; and

WHEREAS, Jim Wood began his career as a member of the Virginia Beach Police Department and served the department in many capacities, including on the drunk driving enforcement team and the anti-crime unit; and

WHEREAS, desirous to be of further service to the community, Jim Wood ran for and was elected to the Virginia Beach City Council in 2002, representing the residents of the Lynnhaven District; he was subsequently reelected four times and served as vice mayor in 2019; and

WHEREAS, Jim Wood provided his wisdom and expertise to specialized advisory committees and commissions throughout the community as a Virginia Beach City Council liaison; and

WHEREAS, with his background in law enforcement, Jim Wood was a champion for the city's public safety agencies and advocated tirelessly for the emergency medical services departments and volunteer rescue squads; and

WHEREAS, Jim Wood played an instrumental role in the development of the city's budgets and worked diligently to address local priorities without tax increases; and

WHEREAS, Jim Wood represented Virginia Beach as a commissioner and two-time past chair of the Transportation District of Hampton Roads and was appointed by the Senate of Virginia to serve on the Joint Subcommittee to Address Recurrent Flooding; and

WHEREAS, Jim Wood served the residents of Virginia Beach with the utmost integrity, dedication, and distinction; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate of Virginia, That James L. Wood hereby be commended for his legacy of service to the Virginia Beach community; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to James L. Wood as an expression of the Senate of Virginia's admiration for his achievements on behalf of the residents of Virginia Beach.