Offered January 10, 2018
Prefiled January 9, 2018
 2018 Operating Resolution.
Patron-- McDougle
Referred to Committee on Rules

RESOLVED by the Senate of Virginia, That the Comptroller is directed to issue his warrants on the Treasurer, payable from the contingent fund of the Senate to accomplish the work of the Senate of Virginia as reported by the Clerk of the Senate to the Senate Committee on Rules during the 2018 Session. Necessary payments to cover salaries of temporary employees and the Pages, per diem for legislative assistants who establish a temporary residence, per diem for Pages and certain employees designated by the Clerk and reported to the Chair of the Senate Committee on Rules, as well as other contingent and incidental expenses, will be certified by the Clerk of the Senate or her designee. Per diem for orientation will be paid as approved by the Clerk.