Commending Barry Mears.


Agreed to by the Senate, September 6, 2023


WHEREAS, Barry Mears, author of the publication Living Shoreborn: A Glimpse into Life on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, has contributed greatly to the sense of community and place on the Eastern Shore; and

WHEREAS, a native of Greenbush, Barry Mears was inspired to develop Living Shoreborn following his experience founding the Facebook group "Shoreborn," a web forum dedicated to celebrating the history and culture of the Commonwealth's Eastern Shore; and

WHEREAS, in the early days of the "Shoreborn" Facebook group, Barry Mears posted photographs that he had culled from old yearbooks and other memorabilia, filling many with nostalgia for bygone days, drawing thousands of new members to the group, and forming the purpose of the budding Shoreborn project; and

WHEREAS, as the collective energy of the "Shoreborn" Facebook group grew, Barry Mears cultivated its impact by establishing features such as "Shoreborn Legends" and "Shoreborn Sleuths," heightening the group's popularity and strengthening community ties through the process; and

WHEREAS, Barry Mears drew from the material shared on the "Shoreborn" Facebook group page to write Living Shoreborn, creating a tangible manifestation of this special crowdsourced phenomenon; and

WHEREAS, through immersive storytelling and personal reflection in Living Shoreborn, Barry Mears illuminates the Eastern Shore's unique and cherished way of life for the enjoyment and edification of both locals and outsiders alike; and

WHEREAS, Barry Mears' Shoreborn project has provided an invaluable service to his community by bringing greater recognition to the moments and personalities that have made the Eastern Shore such a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate of Virginia, That Barry Mears hereby be commended for his efforts to publish Living Shoreborn: A Glimpse into Life on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and to moderate the popular "Shoreborn" Facebook group; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Barry Mears as an expression of the Senate of Virginia's admiration for his contributions to the Eastern Shore and the Commonwealth.