2024 Special Session I operating resolution.


Agreed to by the Senate, May 13, 2024


RESOLVED by the Senate of Virginia, That the Comptroller be directed to issue his warrants on the Treasurer, payable from the contingent fund of the Senate, to accomplish the work of the Senate of Virginia as reported by the Clerk of the Senate to the Senate Rules Committee during the 2024 Special Session I. Necessary payments to cover contingent and incidental expenses will be certified by the Clerk of the Senate or her designee; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That members of the Senate shall receive session per diem and mileage reimbursement for any day they attend a scheduled floor session at which an attendance roll call is taken. Session per diem shall not be allowed for legislative assistants. Session per diem shall not be allowed for members of the Senate during a recess of the Special Session. However, members may receive compensation while the General Assembly is in recess, as provided in §30-19.12 of the Code of Virginia and in the 2022-2024 Appropriation Act, as follows: (i) members of any standing committee authorized by the Senate and the Committee on Rules; (ii) members of any committee of conference; and (iii) members of any legislative committee, commission, or council established by the General Assembly.