Commending M. Siddique Sheikh.


Agreed to by the Senate, February 23, 2019


WHEREAS, M. Siddique Sheikh has promoted economic cooperation between the United States and Pakistan as chairman and founder of the Pakistan American Business Association, based in Burke; and

WHEREAS, Siddique Sheikh immigrated to the United States nearly 40 years ago with little to support himself, aside from a will to succeed; he completed training in auto engineering while working odd jobs and ultimately saved enough money to buy his first service station; and

WHEREAS, Siddique Sheikh worked extremely long hours and soon was able to buy more stations; as he gained financial security, he branched out into other areas of commerce and community-building endeavors; and

WHEREAS, in an effort to assist fellow Pakistanis who were new to America, Siddique Sheikh started the Pakistan American Business Association in 1986, with a focus on leadership training, community service, business networking, and business conventions and trade shows; and

WHEREAS, Siddique Sheikh's tireless work has fostered communication and understanding between Pakistanis and Americans and has served to further education for citizens of both nations; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate of Virginia, That M. Siddique Sheikh hereby be commended for his contributions to the Commonwealth, the United States, and Pakistan as a business leader and dedicated community member; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to M. Siddique Sheikh as an expression of the Senate of Virginia's admiration for his personal and professional achievements.