Commending American Legion Post 320.


Agreed to by the Senate, February 3, 2022
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 7, 2022


WHEREAS, for 75 years, American Legion Post 320 has supported local veterans and served all members of the Spotsylvania County community; and

WHEREAS, American Legion Post 320 was established in 1946 with more than two dozen charter members led by the inaugural post commander, John W. Massey; the organization held its first official meeting in June to plan a square dance event and received its signed charter by the end of the year; and

WHEREAS, in 1947, Post 320 formed an Honor Guard to attend official ceremonies and local funerals, sponsored Boy Scouts of America Troop 193, and soon began hosting charitable events, including bingo games to support the March of Dimes; and

WHEREAS, Post 320 held its early meetings in a spare room above a gas station in Thornburg and subsequently relocated to a room at N. A. Dukes Store in Bumpass, Waite Lumber Company office in Thornburg, rooms in courthouse and elementary school buildings in Spotsylvania County, and finally its current location on 8456 Brock Road in Spotsylvania Courthouse; and

WHEREAS, in 1950, members of Post 320 discussed the need for a local auxiliary organization, and Spotsylvania American Legion Auxiliary Unit 320 was formed the following year to support ongoing community outreach efforts and charitable events; and

WHEREAS, throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Post 320 actively supported other regional and state civic organizations and worked diligently to inspire and recognize young people, establishing an annual Citizenship Award for high school graduates and a youth baseball program that has enjoyed decades of success; and

WHEREAS, in the 1970s, Post 320 reached new heights of membership and community engagement and participated in celebrations to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the formation of Spotsylvania County; and

WHEREAS, from the 1990s to the present, Post 320 has been a consistent winner of the American Legion Department of Virginia Children and Youth Award, Americanism Award, and Department Service Trophy for its outstanding contributions to veterans, among other awards and accolades; and

WHEREAS, in 2004, Post 320 commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Korean War, recognizing more than 60 local Korean War veterans, and in 2016, the post hosted a tribute celebration for World War II veterans; the post also marked the 100th anniversary of the formation of the American Legion in 2019; and

WHEREAS, over the course of its history, the generous and dedicated members of Post 320 have participated in a wide range of family and youth programs, funded scholarships for students, promoted patriotism and volunteerism, conducted community outreach, and engaged in state and national conferences, all while offering fellowship and support to local veterans; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend American Legion Post 320 in Spotsylvania County on the occasion of its 75th anniversary in 2021; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to George Joseph Nemes, Jr., commander of American Legion Post 320, as an expression of the General Assembly's admiration for the post's achievements in service to the community.