Commending Christopher Newport University on the occasion of its semicentenary.
Agreed to by the Senate, February 17, 2011
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 22, 2011

WHEREAS, pursuant to the vision of Delegate Lewis Archer McMurran, Jr., the 1960 Session of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia created Christopher Newport College of The College of William and Mary and located it in the City of Newport News; and

WHEREAS, on September 18, 1961, seven faculty and 171 students came together in the former John W. Daniel Elementary School building in downtown Newport News and brought the new two-year college to life; and

WHEREAS, over the course of the intervening years the institution has grown and evolved with significant milestones including:

1964—The College moves from the John W. Daniel Elementary School building to a 75-acre tract in the Hidenwood section of Newport News.

1971—The College becomes a four-year, baccalaureate degree-granting institution.

1977—The General Assembly separates the College from The College of William and Mary, provides for it to have its own board of visitors, and changes its name to Christopher Newport College.

1992—Having initiated programs of study leading to magisterial degrees in 1991, Christopher Newport College becomes Christopher Newport University.

1994—The University opens its first residence hall; and

WHEREAS, on January 1, 1996, United States Senator Paul Trible answered the call of the university's board of visitors to become the fifth president of Christopher Newport University and provided the vision and leadership to transform the university into one of the most selective seats of liberal learning in the Commonwealth—with a gifted student body of 5,000 drawn from throughout the Commonwealth and beyond and a talented student-centered faculty of 250 educated at the nation's (and the world's) finest graduate schools; and

WHEREAS, since 1995, the campus of Christopher Newport University has expanded from its original 75 acres to its present 260 acres, and its buildings, including the Ferguson Center for the Arts, are transforming the university's setting into one of the most beautiful anywhere; and

WHEREAS, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia's current list of 25 "peer institutions" for Christopher Newport University (i.e., those institutions that most closely resemble it) includes such familiar names as Washington and Lee University and the University of Richmond—thereby affirming the academic stature that Christopher Newport University has now attained; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend and congratulate Christopher Newport University on the occasion of its semicentenary; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the rector and members of the board of visitors of Christopher Newport University as an expression of the General Assembly's gratitude for the University's commitment to public higher education in the context of liberal learning and its 50 years of increasingly valuable service to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia.