Offered January 14, 2015
Prefiled January 13, 2015
Encouraging the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization to allocate funds to enhance interstate signage in the City of Hampton to increase awareness of landmarks and points of interest.
Patron-- Locke
Referred to Committee on Rules

WHEREAS, Interstates 64 and 664 pass through the City of Hampton and existing signage is lacking both in quantity and quality such that motorists are often unaware they are passing through the City of Hampton; and

WHEREAS, located within the City of Hampton are both landmarks of national historical significance and facilities that are important economic drivers of both the city and the Commonwealth, including Fort Monroe National Monument, Hampton VA Medical Center, Hampton University, Langley Air Force Base, and NASA Langley Research Center; and

WHEREAS, the lack of signage conveying to motorists their close proximity to these landmarks and facilities adversely affects tourism, and existing signage is inadequate in informing motorists of their present location as they are often obscured from view by vegetation; and

WHEREAS, the City of Hampton, the Commonwealth, and the federal government facilities located in the City of Hampton all stand to benefit from better signage along the interstates; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization be encouraged to allocate funds to enhance interstate signage in the City of Hampton to increase awareness of landmarks and points of interest; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization, requesting that it further disseminate copies of this resolution to its respective constituents so that they may be apprised of the sense of the General Assembly of Virginia in this matter.