Commending Jeanne F. Zeidler.
Agreed to by the Senate, March 10, 2010
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, March 11, 2010

WHEREAS, Jeanne F. Zeidler is recognized for her dedicated service to her fellow citizens as a member of the City Council and vice mayor and mayor of Williamsburg; and

WHEREAS, a longtime resident of Williamsburg who was desirous to serve her fellow citizens, Jeanne Zeidler ran for office and was elected to the Williamsburg City Council in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2006; she served as vice mayor from 1996 to 1998 and as mayor since 1998; and

WHEREAS, Jeanne Zeidler has worked diligently on behalf of the citizens of Williamsburg and has been known for her ability to build consensus, support of regionalism, and dedication to the city; and

WHEREAS, an exemplary administrator and leader, Jeanne Zeidler served as the executive director of the Jamestown 2007 commemoration, where she brought together disparate parties to create a successful and historic celebration for the Commonwealth and nation; and

WHEREAS, Jeanne Zeidler also devoted her time and energy as mayor to construction on High Street, development of the Northington Block downtown, support of the Virginia Arts Festival, and improved relations between city officials and student leaders; and

WHEREAS, prior to her election to City Council, Jeanne Zeidler served for four years on the Williamsburg-James City County School Board, including service as both vice chair and chair of the board; and

WHEREAS, Jeanne Zeidler also served as a commissioner of the Williamsburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority, as a board member of the Williamsburg Area Chamber of Commerce, and as a member of the School Liaison Committee, as well as on other boards and commissions; and

WHEREAS, in addition to her public service, Jeanne Zeidler has worked in museums and cultural and educational institutions for over 30 years, including 21 years as director of the Hampton University Museum; she has written and contributed to books and articles on history and art; and

WHEREAS, Jeanne Zeidler has graciously given of her time and talents to the Williamsburg community for nearly 20 years; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly commend Jeanne F. Zeidler for her longtime public service to her fellow citizens as the mayor of the City of Williamsburg; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Jeanne F. Zeidler as an expression of the General Assembly's gratitude for her service to the City of Williamsburg and best wishes in her future endeavors.