Commending Rising Hope United Methodist Mission Church.
Agreed to by the Senate, March 10, 2016
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, March 10, 2016

WHEREAS, Rising Hope United Methodist Mission Church, an innovative church that provides spiritual leadership and generous support to less fortunate individuals and families in Alexandria, celebrates 20 years of service to the community in 2015; and

WHEREAS, Rising Hope Church was established by the Reverend Keary Kincannon to serve as a source of hope and empowerment for less fortunate members of the community; the church held its first official service in the community room of Pinewood South Condos in October 1995; and

WHEREAS, beginning with 11 charter members, the congregation of Rising Hope Church has grown significantly over the years; with an average of 150 congregants each week, the church welcomes people from all walks of life, and nearly two thirds of members have been or are currently homeless; and

WHEREAS, Rising Hope Church provides assistance to more than 8,000 people annually through outreach, counseling, and recovery programs; the church is a founding partner of Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement, a nonpartisan coalition of faith communities that advocates for social justice in Northern Virginia; and

WHEREAS, Rising Hope Church supported efforts to update kitchen regulations, allowing churches to feed those in need, and feeds approximately 1,000 families through its food pantry each year; the church provides a clothing closet, hypothermia shelter in the winter, and emergency jobs, housing, and medical assistance; and

WHEREAS, in 2007, Keary Kincannon received the Society of John Wesley Award from Wesley Theological Seminary for his work with the church; Rising Hope Church also received the 2012 Peace and Justice Award from the Methodist Federation for Social Action, and the church has been highlighted in national media outlets for its good work; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Rising Hope United Methodist Mission Church on the occasion of its 20th anniversary; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the Reverend Keary Kincannon, pastor of Rising Hope United Methodist Mission Church, as an expression of the General Assembly's admiration for the church's service to and support for vulnerable members of the Alexandria community.