An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 22.1-271.7, relating to public middle school athletics; pre-participation physical examination.
[S 665]
Approved April 4, 2016


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 22.1-271.7 as follows:

§22.1-271.7. Public middle school student-athletes; pre-participation physical examination.

No public middle school student shall be a participant on or try out for any school athletic team or squad with a predetermined roster, regular practices, and scheduled competitions with other middle schools unless such student has submitted to the school principal a signed report from a licensed physician, a licensed nurse practitioner practicing in accordance with his practice agreement, or a licensed physician assistant acting under the supervision of a licensed physician attesting that such student has been examined, within the preceding 12 months, and found to be physically fit for athletic competition.