Offered January 10, 2024
Prefiled December 18, 2023
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Chapter 8.1 of Title 51.5 a section numbered 51.5-39.14, relating to persons with disabilities; disAbility Law Center of Virginia; ombudsman program.
Patron-- Favola
Referred to Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Chapter 8.1 of Title 51.5 a section numbered 51.5-39.14 as follows:

§51.5-39.14. Ombudsman services for persons with disabilities.

A. There shall be an ombudsman program for persons with disabilities created within the disAbility Law Center of Virginia and established pursuant to subsection A of §51.5-39.13. The ombudsman program may receive and respond to questions regarding state-operated programs that provide services to persons with disabilities. The operation of the ombudsman program shall be contingent on the receipt of adequate state funding.

B. The disAbility Law Center of Virginia established pursuant to §51.5-39.13 shall publicize the procedures for contacting the ombudsman program and shall establish, maintain, and publicize a toll-free phone number and web-based portal for receiving questions.