Senate Amendments in [ ] -- February 1, 2016
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Chapter 1 of Title 23 a section numbered 23-9.2:19, relating to study abroad programs; reporting requirements.
Patron Prior to Engrossment--Senator Alexander
Referred to Committee on Education and Health

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Chapter 1 of Title 23 a section numbered 23-9.2:19 as follows:

§23-9.2:19. Study abroad programs; reporting requirements.

A. As used in this section, "study abroad program" means a program sponsored, offered, or approved for credit by an institution of higher education in which program participants travel outside the United States in connection with an educational experience.

B. [ Each public or private institution of higher education shall, by November 1 of each year, report to the Council a list of all study abroad programs offered or approved for credit by the institution, any deaths of study abroad program participants that occurred during and as a result of participating in such program, and any accidents or illnesses that resulted in hospitalization that occurred during and as a result of participating in such program.

C. The Council shall publish on its website the annual study abroad reports and the best available information on sexual assaults and other criminal acts affecting study abroad program participants during program participation. The published information regarding sexual assaults and criminal acts shall be separated by country and shall not be limited to the study abroad programs offered, sponsored, or approved for credit by institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth.

D. Any person offering a study abroad program shall be considered, in any civil action involving a participant of such program who is a resident of the Commonwealth or attends an institution of higher education in the Commonwealth, to have transacted business in the Commonwealth for the purposes of §8.01-328.1. The Council shall develop a model policy for study abroad programs. ]