An Act to amend and reenact §8.01-299 of the Code of Virginia, relating to substituted service of process on registered agent of domestic corporation.
[S 241]
Approved March 7, 2016


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §8.01-299 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§8.01-299. How process served on domestic corporations generally.

Except as prescribed in §8.01-300 as to municipal and quasi-governmental corporations, and subject to §8.01-286.1, process may be served on a corporation created by the laws of the Commonwealth as follows:

1. By personal service on any officer, director, or registered agent of such corporation; or

2. By substituted service on stock corporations in accordance with §13.1-637 and on nonstock corporations in accordance with §13.1-836; or

3. If the registered address of the corporation is a single-family residential dwelling, by substituted service on the registered agent of the corporation in the manner of subdivision 2 of §8.01-296.