Offered January 18, 2019
A BILL to direct the Board of Housing and Community Development to revise the Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Statewide Fire Prevention Code to permit the use of temporary barricade devices in classrooms.
Patron-- Hanger
Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. §1. That the Board of Housing and Community Development (the Board) is directed to revise the Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Statewide Fire Prevention Code, as appropriate, to permit the use, by a staff member of a public or private elementary or secondary school or public or private institution of higher education, of a temporary barricade device on the door of a classroom or any other area where students are located for a finite period of time during an active shooter emergency or active shooter drill. The Board shall require that (i) such device not be permanently mounted to a door, (ii) such device require minimal steps to remove after it is engaged, and (iii) each public or private elementary or secondary school or public or private institution of higher education provide training to its staff members on the use of such device. Additionally, the administrator of any building in which a temporary barricade device is intended to be used shall be required to notify local law-enforcement authorities, local emergency medical services personnel, and the local fire marshal, if one has been appointed, of the intent to use such device prior to its use.