An Act to amend and reenact §§24.2-405 and 24.2-407.1 of the Code of Virginia, relating to lists of registered voters; disclosure to commissioners of the revenue and treasurers.
[S 137]
Approved April 11, 2010


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §§24.2-405 and 24.2-407.1 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows:

§24.2-405. Persons who may obtain lists of registered voters.

A. The State Board shall furnish, at a reasonable price, lists of registered voters for their districts to (i) courts of the Commonwealth and the United States for jury selection purposes, (ii) candidates for election or political party nomination to further their candidacy, (iii) political party committees or officials thereof for political purposes only, (iv) political action committees that have filed a current statement of organization with the State Board pursuant to §24.2-949.2, or with the Federal Elections Commission pursuant to federal law, for political purposes only, (v) incumbent officeholders to report to their constituents, and (vi) nonprofit organizations that promote voter participation and registration for that purpose only, and (vii) commissioners of the revenue, as defined in §58.1-3100, and treasurers, as defined in §58.1-3123, for tax assessment, collection, and enforcement purposes. The lists shall be furnished to no one else and used for no other purpose. However, the State Board is authorized to furnish information from the voter registration system to general registrars for their official use and to the Department of Motor Vehicles and other appropriate state agencies for maintenance of the voter registration system, and to the Chief Election Officers of other states for maintenance of voter registration systems.

B. The State Board shall furnish, at a reasonable price, lists of the addresses of registered voters for their localities to local government census liaisons and their staffs for the sole purpose of providing address information to the United States Bureau of the Census. The State Board shall also furnish, at a reasonable price, such lists to the Clerk of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Delegates for the sole purpose of maintaining a database of constituent addresses for the General Assembly. The information authorized under this subsection shall be furnished to no other person and used for no other purpose. No list furnished under this subsection shall contain the name of any registered voter. For the purpose of this subsection, the term "census liaison" shall have the meaning provided in 13 U.S.C. §16.

C. In no event shall any list furnished under this section contain the social security number, or any part thereof, of any registered voter except a list furnished to a court of the Commonwealth or of the United States for jury selection purposes, a commissioner of the revenue or a treasurer for tax assessment, collection, and enforcement purposes, or to the Chief Election Officer of another state permitted to use social security numbers, or any parts thereof, that provides for the use of such numbers on applications for voter registration in accordance with federal law, for maintenance of voter registration systems.

D. Any list furnished under subsection A of this section shall contain the post office box address in lieu of the residence street address for any individual who has furnished at the time of registration or subsequently, in addition to his street address, a post office box address pursuant to subsection B of §24.2-418.

§24.2-407.1. Prohibition on disclosure of social security numbers or parts thereof.

It shall be unlawful for any person who has obtained, under § 24.2-405 or 24.2-406 or any prior law, a list of persons registered or voting which contained social security numbers, or any parts thereof, to disclose any voter's social security number, or any part thereof, to any other person. Any person maintaining a system containing social security numbers, or any parts thereof, obtained from the Board shall delete or destroy the portion of his records containing those numbers, except for a list furnished to a court of the Commonwealth or of the United States for jury selection purposes, a commissioner of the revenue, as defined in §58.1-3100, or a treasurer, as defined in §58.1-3123, for tax assessment, collection, and enforcement purposes, or the Chief Election Officer of another state, permitted to use social security numbers, or any parts thereof, that provides for the use of such numbers on applications for voter registration in accordance with federal law, for the purpose of matching voter registration lists.