

Offered January 13, 2025

Prefiled January 13, 2025

A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Title 32.1 a chapter numbered 21, consisting of a section numbered 32.1-376, relating to Maternal Health Coordinator Program; coordinator duties.




Referred to Committee on Education and Health


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Title 32.1 a chapter numbered 21, consisting of a section numbered 32.1-376, as follows:



§ 32.1-376. Maternal Health Coordinator Program established; coordinator duties.

A. The Maternal Health Coordinator Program (the Program) is hereby created to serve preconception, pregnant, postpartum, and interconception women and their families within clinical, community, virtual, and home settings by providing risk reduction interventions, health education, care coordination, and activities.

B. In developing and implementing the Program, the Department shall:

1. Appoint a maternal health coordinator in each of the 35 health districts of the Commonwealth. Maternal health coordinators shall conduct:

a. Case finding and outreach, including at state and local correctional facilities;

b. Assessment of health, social, environmental, and behavioral risk factors;

c. Case management, utilizing a service delivery plan;

d. Home visitation to support the delivery of and participation in prenatal and infant primary health care services;

e. Childbirth and parenting education, including encouragement of breastfeeding; and

f. Father engagement activities, such as providing individualized support to fathers to increase participation in services that strengthen family and child well-being; and

2. Appoint a regional coordinator in each of the five health regions of the Commonwealth. Regional coordinators shall:

a. Collect data for each local health district within the regional coordinator's health region of the Commonwealth, including the number of families assisted by the Program, and the type and number of services provided to families;

b. Compile and submit a report of the data collected to the Department no later than December 1, 2026, and by December 1 annually thereafter; and

c. Provide consultation, technical assistance, data, and information to maternal health coordinators as needed.