Offered September 6, 2022
Commending the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.
Patrons-- Kory, Delaney, Hope, Maldonado, Simonds and Watts

WHEREAS, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, an advocacy organization dedicated to promoting a bike-friendly environment in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area and beyond, celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association was founded on May 1, 1972, by Cary S. Shaw, who envisioned an organization that would advance policies to improve bicycle safety and address other issues relevant to the needs of bicyclists at a time when bicycle advocacy was still a nascent idea; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association convened its first meeting of the general membership on May 31, 1972, at the West End Library in Washington, D.C., where topics discussed included bicycle parking, theft, bicyclist and motorist education, and bike trails; and

WHEREAS, by July 1972, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association had established 11 task forces and committees to focus on matters such as parking, road conditions, newsletter distribution, and bicycle recovery; and

WHEREAS, as membership in the Washington Area Bicyclist Association swelled to more than 400 individuals by September of that same year, the organization also disseminated its message with the help of its monthly newsletter, Ride On!!; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association's half-century of advocacy has enhanced biking for both commuters and recreational cyclists, encouraging countless individuals to embrace cycling as a safe, fun, and effective mode of transportation; and

WHEREAS, in addition to its advocacy, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association furthers its mission through classes, community rides and events, and programs such as DC Bike Ambassador and DC Trail Ranger; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association grounds its vision for a fair and sustainable transportation system in its core values of joy, boldness, integrity, justice, and stewardship; and

WHEREAS, the more than 6,000 current members and other supporters of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association have given generously of their time and resources to foster the development of a regional transportation system that is easier to use, more affordable, climate resilient, and accessible to all; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association established a 2021–2025 Strategic Plan with four main objectives, including to empower people to engage and take action, to generate broad public support for bicycling, to build political power, and to strengthen and sustain the organization, charting a course that will ensure the organization's continued success for many years to come; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, That the Washington Area Bicyclist Association hereby be commended on the occasion of its 50th anniversary; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the Washington Area Bicyclist Association as an expression of the House of Delegates' admiration for the organization's contributions to the Commonwealth.