Celebrating the life of Sharon Rebecca Bryant.

Agreed to by the House of Delegates, August 17, 2015

WHEREAS, Sharon Rebecca Bryant of Amherst County, the first woman chief of the Monacan Indian Nation, died on June 23, 2015; and

WHEREAS, a lifelong resident of Amherst County, Sharon Bryant dedicated her life to the noble service of others; and

WHEREAS, Sharon Bryant was elected chief of the Monacan Indian Nation in 2011; she was a staunch advocate for the well-being of her tribe and worked to achieve state and federal recognition, speaking before the United States Congress and the Virginia General Assembly; and

WHEREAS, Sharon Bryant represented the Monacan Indian Nation as a member of the Virginia Indian Tribal Alliance for Life, and she gave frequent presentations on her tribe to local civic organizations and churches; and

WHEREAS, a tireless volunteer, Sharon Bryant often visited elders in her tribe and delivered food to members of the community in times of need; she also helped provide Christmas presents for less fortunate children in the area; and

WHEREAS, Sharon Bryant enjoyed fellowship and worship with the community as a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Mission, where she served as a lay minister and was pursuing ordination as an Episcopal priest; and

WHEREAS, a caring and compassionate member of the community, Sharon Bryant will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by numerous family members and friends; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the House of Delegates hereby note with great sadness the loss of Sharon Rebecca Bryant, a prominent leader in the Monacan Indian Nation; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Sharon Rebecca Bryant as an expression of the House of Delegates' respect for her memory.