Celebrating the life of Florence Wyche Stith.

Agreed to by the House of Delegates, April 3, 2013

WHEREAS, Florence Wyche Stith, a pioneering civic leader from Jarratt, died on March 15, 2013; and

WHEREAS, a longtime resident of Jarratt, Florence Stith took a keen interest and active role in the well-being of her fellow residents through involvement in a host of civic and social activities; and

WHEREAS, Florence Stith, the mother of 10 children and cafeteria manager in the Greensville County Public Schools, had extensive firsthand experience with the needs of schoolchildren; and

WHEREAS, Florence Stith succeeded her husband, Millard D. Stith, Sr., who was the first African American appointed to and the first African American chair of the Sussex County School Board, and became the school board's first woman member; and

WHEREAS, Florence Stith worked with other board members, county school officials, and involved parents to help Sussex County Public Schools provide the best education possible to students to prepare them for their futures; and

WHEREAS, a woman of deep and abiding faith, Florence Stith enjoyed fellowship and worship at Jerusalem Baptist Church, where she was a deaconess and served as clerk for 45 years; and

WHEREAS, Florence Stith was also involved in the community as a member of the Eastern Star Jarratt Chapter 3185; and

WHEREAS, a groundbreaking community leader, Florence Stith worked diligently on behalf of local youth and leaves behind a legacy of service to her family and community that others may strive to emulate; and

WHEREAS, predeceased by her husband, Millard Sr., and son William, Florence Stith will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by her surviving children, Shirley, Millard Jr., Melvin, Brenda, Janet, Rose, Mildred, Francine, and David, and their families and numerous other family members and friends; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the House of Delegates hereby note with great sadness the loss of an admired member of the Sussex and Greensville Counties communities, Florence Wyche Stith; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Florence Wyche Stith as an expression of the House of Delegates' respect for her memory.