Commending Orange Hunt Elementary School.
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, March 8, 2024

WHEREAS, Orange Hunt Elementary School of Fairfax County Public Schools received the Continuous Improvement Award as part of the Virginia Board of Education's Exemplar School Recognition Program in 2023; and

WHEREAS, the Virginia Board of Education's Exemplar School Recognition Program recognizes schools or school divisions that exceed board-established requirements or show continuous improvement on academic and school quality indicators, as well as schools, school divisions, and school boards that implement effective, innovative practices; and

WHEREAS, Orange Hunt Elementary School was one of 21 schools in the Fairfax County Public Schools division that received the Continuous Improvement Award from the Virginia Board of Education for the 2022–2023 school year; and

WHEREAS, to achieve the Continuous Improvement Award, Orange Hunt Elementary School fulfilled a rigorous set of criteria in its most recent state assessments, including demonstrating an increase in the combined pass rate for math, reading, and science for each of the past three years, with a total increase across the three years of 10 points or more; and

WHEREAS, Orange Hunt Elementary School also demonstrated an increase in the combined pass rate for two or more student groups in reading and math for each of the past three years, with a total increase across the three years of 10 points or more to qualify for the Continuous Improvement Award; and

WHEREAS, the final criteria that Orange Hunt Elementary School met to earn the Continuous Improvement Award was demonstrating an increase in the Graduation and Completion Index for each of the past three years, with a total increase across the three years of four percent or more; and

WHEREAS, the Continuous Improvement Award is a testament to the efforts of Orange Hunt Elementary School's administrators, educators, and families, who have cultivated a learning environment in which students may blossom and thrive; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, That Orange Hunt Elementary School hereby be commended for receiving the Continuous Improvement Award as part of the Virginia Board of Education's Exemplar School Recognition Program in 2023; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Orange Hunt Elementary School as an expression of the House of Delegates' admiration for the school's accomplishment and best wishes for its continued success.