(Proposed by the House Committee on Rules
on January 26, 2010)
(Patron Prior to Substitute--Delegate LeMunyon)
Directing the Clerk of the House of Delegates to post the recorded committee and floor votes of members of the House of Delegates to the electronic legislative information system organized by member name. Report.

WHEREAS, democracy works best when citizens are well informed and actively involved in the processes of their government at all levels; and

WHEREAS, connecting citizens to their government promotes transparency, accountability, better access to public services and information, improved communication between public officials and the electorate, and confidence in those who have been elected to represent them; and

WHEREAS, today, technology is an integral part of the legislative process at the state, local, and federal levels, and nearly every state utilizes technology to promote legislative efficiency and effectiveness and to increase citizen access to the legislative process and elected officials; and

WHEREAS, state legislators cast recorded votes on thousands of measures in subcommittees, committees, and on the floors of each chamber during a legislative session, and millions of taxpayer dollars are spent each year to maintain the legislative electronic information system; however, it can be an arduous task for ordinary citizens to track the voting records of their state legislators; and

WHEREAS, citizen access to the voting records of state legislators would facilitate communication between members and the electorate and provide legislators an opportunity to respond to and build relationships with citizens, explain the nuances of the legislative process and public policies, provide assistance and advocacy as appropriate, and correct inaccurate information in a timely manner when contacted by constituents; and

WHEREAS, significant advances have been made in Web technology and a growing number of states' legislative websites include an electronic display of the full texts and amendments of bills and resolutions, legislative calendars and journals, standing committee structure, the budget, and links to important governmental and nongovernmental sites as well as the voting records of members of the legislature; and

WHEREAS, state legislative websites are evaluated on the following criteria: content, usability, interactivity, transparency, and audience, and these advanced websites promote participatory government, civic engagement, and an informed citizenry for the benefit of the common good; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates be directed to post the recorded committee and floor votes of members of the House of Delegates to the electronic legislative information system organized by member name. The publication of such information on the electronic legislative information system by the Clerk shall commence with the 2011 Regular Session of the General Assembly.

The Clerk of the House of Delegates shall report to the House Committee on Rules his progress in meeting the directive of this resolution no later than the first day of the 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly.