Offered February 15, 2023
Commending Discovery Elementary School.
Patron-- Reid

WHEREAS, Discovery Elementary School in Ashburn, a Loudoun County Public Schools institution that has provided a world-class education to hundreds of students and families, celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2022; and

WHEREAS, Discovery Elementary School opened in 2012 and has since that time offered a supportive learning environment to its students, ensuring their academic, social, and emotional well-being; and

WHEREAS, Discovery Elementary School currently serves a diverse student body of approximately 715 students, including many economically disadvantaged students, English language learners, and students receiving a special education curriculum; and

WHEREAS, Discovery Elementary School has been recognized by Loudoun County Public Schools Special Education Advisory Committee for its commitment to excellence and for its efforts to promote inclusivity at the school; and

WHEREAS, through endeavors such as Marvin's Club, an after-school social skills program, and Celebrating Differences Day, Discovery Elementary School has fostered a culture of inclusion at the school, encouraging adaptability, creativity, disability awareness, acceptance, and peer-to-peer interactions among its students; and

WHEREAS, Discovery Elementary School has participated in the Department of Education's Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative for the past four years, with teachers opening their classroom doors for demonstrations and developing lesson plans and videos to benefit those wishing to learn more about quality and effective co-teaching practices and strategies; and

WHEREAS, students from Discovery Elementary School competed at the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals after placing first and second at the state competition in 2018 and 2022, respectively, a testament to the academic rigor of the school and the abilities of its educators; and

WHEREAS, Discovery Elementary School has performed exceedingly well over the years, becoming an accredited elementary school with all level-one school quality indicators in both reading and math; and

WHEREAS, the accomplishments of Discovery Elementary School are the results of the hard work and dedication of the school's faculty and staff and the unwavering support of the entire Discovery Elementary School community; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Discovery Elementary School on the occasion of its 10th anniversary; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Christopher Painter, principal of Discovery Elementary School, as an expression of the General Assembly's congratulations and best wishes for the school's continued success.