Offered March 4, 2016
Commending Saving Sweet Briar, Inc.
Patrons-- Cline; Senator: Garrett

WHEREAS, Saving Sweet Briar, Inc., a Virginia non-stock corporation, was organized to prevent the planned closure of the historic women's college in 2015; and

WHEREAS, Indiana Fletcher Williams left an estate upon her death in 1900 for the establishment of an institution in memory of her daughter, Daisy, and Sweet Briar Institute was created as an Act of Assembly on February 9, 1901; and

WHEREAS, Sweet Briar Institute, known as Sweet Briar College, is a nationally acclaimed liberal arts and sciences college for women offering more than 40 areas of study, including undergraduate degrees in 33 majors and two graduate degrees in education; and

WHEREAS, Sweet Briar College is one of only two women's colleges in the United States granting an accredited degree in engineering; and

WHEREAS, the Theta of Virginia chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest honor society, was founded at Sweet Briar College in 1950; and

WHEREAS, Sweet Briar College has graduated alumnae who have gone on to distinguished careers as doctors, lawyers, educators, entrepreneurs, politicians, innovators, and so forth; and

WHEREAS, Sweet Briar College has offered myriad opportunities to countless young women in its 115-year history and

WHEREAS, in addition to its long tradition of academic excellence, Sweet Briar College offers access to prestigious study abroad programs, a host of extra-curricular activities, eight varsity sports, and an internationally acclaimed equestrian program on one of the nation's largest and most beautiful campuses; and

WHEREAS, after Sweet Briar College announced plans to permanently close at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year, a group of alumnae established Saving Sweet Briar, Inc., to prevent the closure by raising public awareness and funds to support the College; and

WHEREAS, the members of the Saving Sweet Briar, Inc., board—Christine Davis Boulware '77, Sarah Preston Clement '75, Sally Mott Freeman '76, JoAnn Soderquist Kramer '64, Brooke Linville '04, Ellen Ober Pitera '93 and Tracy Anne Stuart '93—worked tirelessly to ensure that future generations of young women could proudly attend Sweet Briar College and

WHEREAS, Sweet Briar College alumnae gave tirelessly and selflessly of their time, talents, and resources in support of Saving Sweet Briar, Inc.'s mission; and

WHEREAS, Saving Sweet Briar, Inc.'s heroic efforts brought national attention to Sweet Briar College, and the organization garnered support from faculty, staff, students, local and state officials, and other supporters; and

WHEREAS, demonstrating the leadership, integrity, and diligence learned at Sweet Briar College, the members of Saving Sweet Briar, Inc., raised more than $12 million in less than six months and reached a settlement agreement to keep Sweet Briar College open; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Saving Sweet Briar, Inc., for its work to prevent the planned closure of Sweet Briar College in 2015; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Saving Sweet Briar, Inc., as an expression of the General Assembly's admiration for the organization's work to preserve one of the Commonwealth's historic institutions of higher education.