Designating the Honor and Sacrifice Flag as the Commonwealth's emblem for honoring the brave men and women who have given their lives for public safety.


Agreed to by the House of Delegates, January 29, 2020
Agreed to by the Senate, March 3, 2020

WHEREAS, the Honor and Sacrifice Flag was designed by Chesapeake resident George Lutz to honor firefighters, law-enforcement officers, emergency medical services personnel, and other public safety personnel who have given their lives in the line of duty; and

WHEREAS, the blue field of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag symbolizes the law-enforcement community; and

WHEREAS, the purple field of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag signifies mourning for a loss in the firefighter community; and

WHEREAS, the white field of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag recognizes the purity of heart within each individual who serves and protects the community and is willing to face each day's challenges regardless of the risk; and

WHEREAS, the black star of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag represents those who wear the distinctive badge, including sheriffs and marshals; and

WHEREAS, the red Maltese cross of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag recognizes all who have fallen in the emergency response communities; and

WHEREAS, the golden shield of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag recognizes all law-enforcement officers and other public safety representatives who wear the shield, including emergency medical services personnel, and who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty; gold represents the value of the life given; and

WHEREAS, the folded flag element of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag signifies the final tribute to an individual life that a family has lost for the sake of others; and

WHEREAS, the flame element of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag is an eternal reminder of the spirit that has departed this life yet burns on in the memory of all who knew and loved the fallen hero; and

WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia calls for a unifying symbol recognizing this nation's solemn debt to fallen public safety workers and the families and communities who mourn their loss; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly designate the Honor and Sacrifice Flag as the Commonwealth's emblem for honoring the brave men and women who have given their lives for public safety; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates transmit copies of this resolution to the Director of the Department of Criminal Justice Services, the Executive Director of the Department of Fire Programs, and the State Health Commissioner, requesting that they further disseminate copies of this resolution to their respective constituents so that they may be apprised of the sense of the General Assembly of Virginia in this matter; and, be it

RESOLVED FINALLY, That in the absence of a directive from the Governor or the Director of the Department of General Services, the head of the state agency that controls any facility or building outside of Capitol Square may determine when to display the Honor and Sacrifice Flag, provided that the Honor and Sacrifice Flag that is displayed is (i) smaller in height and width than the flag of the United States that is officially displayed at the building or facility and (ii) made in the United States.