Commending Andy Sigle.


Agreed to by the House of Delegates, March 2, 2018
Agreed to by the Senate, March 6, 2018

WHEREAS, Andy Sigle, a dedicated volunteer who has aided the community through leadership in numerous school and charitable organizations, was honored by the Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce and Cornerstones, Inc., with a prestigious 2018 Best of Reston Award; and

WHEREAS, the Best of Reston awards honor individuals, organizations, and companies that have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to helping others and improving the lives of people throughout the greater Reston area, as has Andy Sigle; and

WHEREAS, a former senior executive in the telecommunications industry, Andy Sigle has brought his leadership skills to the Reston Association, where he served as a member and vice president of the board of directors; during his tenure with the organization, he gave over 3,000 hours of volunteer service, established new savings policies for community upkeep and maintenance, and served on the Reston Master Plan Update Task Force; and

WHEREAS, from 2015 to 2017, Andy Sigle served two terms as president of South Lakes High School's Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA); in that capacity, he instituted new initiatives to celebrate diversity and promote cultural awareness, advocated for the allocation of mini-grants to school faculty, and helped launch the Pantry at South Lakes High School, a food pantry that supports underprivileged students and their families; and

WHEREAS, Andy Sigle has also served on the Reston Transportation Network Advisory Group and on the boards of the Washington West Film Festival and the Reston Historic Trust and Museum; since 2014, he has been active with the Southgate Community Center and has served as chair of its advisory council; and

WHEREAS, a tireless community volunteer, Andy Sigle serves as a financial mentor to clients at Cornerstones, Inc., and has given generously of his time in service to Friends of Reston, The Reston Chorale, and Vale United Methodist Church; and

WHEREAS, with his dedication, vision, and boundless energy, Andy Sigle has inspired others to give back to the community and has spearheaded service efforts that have touched the lives of countless Reston residents; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Andy Sigle for his tireless leadership and participation in volunteer work and on his well-deserved honor as a 2018 Best of Reston Award recipient; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Andy Sigle as an expression of the General Assembly's admiration for his enduring commitment to making Reston a special place to live, work, and play.