Commending Dr. Reinhold Brand.

Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 7, 2014
Agreed to by the Senate, February 13, 2014

WHEREAS, Dr. Reinhold Brand, who is senior vice president and general manager of the consumer specialties North American business unit of Evonik Corporation in Hopewell, has provided economic and educational opportunities to the residents of Hopewell and the surrounding area; and

WHEREAS, as a top executive for the plant, which makes specialty ingredients for personal and home-care products, Reinhold Brand has been responsible for a large increase in the number of technical and production personnel at the plant, contributing to the overall economic health of Hopewell; and

WHEREAS, Evonik Corporation has been a steadfast leader in the community; the company has established mentorship programs and workforce readiness efforts for the Hopewell Public Schools system, and Reinhold Brand has served as vice president of the Hopewell Public School Foundation; and

WHEREAS, recognizing that an educated workforce is crucial to a corporation's success, in 2013, Reinhold Brand and Evonik donated $10,000 for 30 students at Hopewell High School to learn hands-on technology and engineering skills using remote-controlled race cars as instruction tools; and

WHEREAS, Reinhold Brand, who has been a business leader in the region for 12 years, has overseen a corporate investment of more than $90 million in facilities and equipment and also has increased the company's property holdings in the Commonwealth to support future production and laboratory facilities; and

WHEREAS, in 2006, under Reinhold Brand's leadership, the company, which was then known as the Goldschmidt Chemical Corporation, received the Governor's Environmental Excellence Award for a Large Manufacturer for its pollution prevention and conservation program at the Hopewell plant; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Dr. Reinhold Brand, senior vice president and general manager of the consumer specialties North American business unit of Evonik Corporation, for his many contributions to the Hopewell community; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Dr. Reinhold Brand as an expression of the General Assembly's respect and admiration for his leadership and for his commitment to business, education, and the environment in Hopewell and the Commonwealth.