Commending the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 12, 2016
Agreed to by the Senate, February 18, 2016

WHEREAS, in 2015, the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority celebrated 75 years of providing quality housing, creating opportunities for families to become self-sufficient, and supporting community and economic revitalization initiatives; and

WHEREAS, the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) was created in 1940 by the Richmond City Council to address urban blight and provide housing assistance to low-income residents, many of whom were affected by the Great Depression; and

WHEREAS, as a federally funded and locally administered housing authority serving low-income and moderate-income residents of Richmond, RRHA seeks to build vibrant communities and significantly contributes to the continued growth and success of the City of Richmond; and

WHEREAS, the mission of RRHA is to be the catalyst for quality affordable housing and community revitalization in Richmond; the authority engages in real estate development and provides rental housing assistance and property management services; and

WHEREAS, as the largest housing authority in the Commonwealth, RRHA serves close to 10,000 residents and manages nearly 4,000 housing units through its Public Housing Program; additionally, the authority's Housing Choice Voucher Programs assist approximately 3,000 families by providing subsidized housing assistance; and

WHEREAS, the staff and governing board of RRHA are committed to implementing the values of integrity, accountability, customer focus, and teamwork; RRHA's many accomplishments can be seen throughout Richmond as the city continues to grow and move forward; and

WHEREAS, for 75 years, RRHA has worked to fulfill its mission and improve the lives of the families it serves; the organization's many successes and its focus on rebuilding and revitalizing communities in Richmond have helped strengthen and reinvigorate the city and the Commonwealth; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority on the occasion of its 75th anniversary; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to T. K. Somanath, chief executive officer of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, as an expression of the General Assembly's respect and admiration for its vital work to provide quality affordable housing and build vibrant communities.