(Proposed by the House Committee on Appropriations
on February 2, 2024)
(Patron Prior to Substitute--Delegate Sullivan)
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Chapter 9.2 of Title 19.2 a section numbered 19.2-152.18, relating to substantial risk orders; training program.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Chapter 9.2 of Title 19.2 a section numbered 19.2-152.18 as follows:

§19.2-152.18. Substantial Risk Order Training Program.

A. The Department of Criminal Justice Services (the Department) shall establish a Substantial Risk Order Training Program (the Program) for the purposes of training law-enforcement agencies and other public institutions throughout the Commonwealth on the proper use and implementation of the substantial risk order law established by this chapter. The Program shall engage in an outreach effort to provide training regarding proper procedures to follow, the circumstances under which the substantial risk order law can be used, the benefits to public safety from proper use of the law, and the harm that may ensue from the law not being used when lawfully available. Additionally, the Program shall be used to train other important parties on the proper use of the law, including mental health professionals, emergency health care providers, public elementary and secondary school personnel, and threat assessment teams at public institutions of higher education. The Program shall also include efforts to educate the public on the substantial risk order law and increase awareness via (i) outreach to community members and organizations, (ii) development and distribution of Program literature, and (iii) publication of best practices for the use of the law.

B. The Department shall report by November 1 each year to the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security regarding the use of Program funds, details of the content of programming developed, and the effectiveness of the Program in assisting law-enforcement agencies and other public institutions in the use of the substantial risk order law.