Offered January 8, 2020
Prefiled January 5, 2020
A BILL to require the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to enter into a contract for a study of options for financing universal health care in the Commonwealth.
Patron-- Samirah
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. §1. That the Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall enter into a contract with a qualified entity to study options for financing universal health care in the Commonwealth, including (i) a publicly funded single-payer model administered by the Commonwealth for the delivery of health care that is decoupled from employment, (ii) a publicly funded single-payer model administered by private entities pursuant to a contract with the Commonwealth that is decoupled from employment, (iii) a model that allows residents of the Commonwealth to choose a publicly funded plan administered by the Commonwealth as an alternative to private insurance, and (iv) a model that allows residents of the Commonwealth to choose a publicly funded plan administered by a private entity pursuant to a contract with the Commonwealth as an alternative to private insurance. Such study shall include an analysis of financing mechanisms and costs associated with each model and analysis of legal and logistical barriers to implementation of each model, including identification of any waivers that may be necessary to allow use of federal funds available pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1315 and 42 U.S.C. §18052 to finance a model administered by the Commonwealth. The Secretary shall report the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the qualified entity to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 1, 2020.