An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 54.1-3410.3, relating to prescription drugs; labels; blind and disabled users.
[H 516]

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 54.1-3410.3 as follows:

§54.1-3410.3. Accessible prescription labels.

A. For the purposes of this section, "prescription reader" means a device that is designed to audibly identify the prescription drug contained on the label of a prescription drug.

B. A pharmacy shall notify each person who identifies themselves or a patient as blind, visually impaired, or otherwise print disabled to whom a prescription drug is dispensed that an accessible prescription label or alternate accommodation is available to the person upon request at no additional cost.

C. If a person informs the pharmacy that he is blind, visually impaired, or otherwise print disabled, and the person requests an accessible prescription label or accommodation, as determined between the pharmacist and the patient, the pharmacy shall:

1. Upon request of a person for an accessible prescription label, provide the person, either at the pharmacy or through mail order, an accessible prescription label fixable to the bottle or container that:

a. Is available to the person in a timely manner comparable to other patient wait times and will remain available for at least the duration of the prescription;

b. Utilizes audible or large print labels or enclosures that are appropriate to the disability and preference of the person making the request;

c. Seeks to attain best practice standards established by the U.S. Access Board; and

d. Is compatible with a prescription reader; or

2. As determined between the pharmacist and patient, provide appropriate counseling and accommodation to the patient and dispense the medication in suitable packaging with sufficient labeling and other information.

2. That the Board of Pharmacy shall adopt initial regulations to implement the provisions of this act no later than December 31, 2024. The Board of Pharmacy's initial adoption of regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this act shall be exempt from the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), except that the Board of Pharmacy shall consult with organizations of blind or low-vision consumers and other individuals who are blind, community pharmacists, and other pharmacy stakeholders to assist in the development of necessary regulations and shall provide an opportunity for public comment on the regulations prior to adoption.

3. That the Board of Pharmacy shall issue a guidance document identifying appropriate technologies, packaging, labeling, and counseling for dispensing medications to blind or low-vision patients. In developing guidance documents, the Board of Pharmacy shall consider best practices and formatting suggestions as published and revised by the U.S. Access Board.