Offered January 10, 2018
Prefiled January 5, 2018
A BILL to amend and reenact §24.2-307 of the Code of Virginia, relating to requirements for county and city precincts; no precinct to be split between any election districts.
Patron-- Rasoul
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §24.2-307 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§24.2-307. Requirements for county and city precincts.

The governing body of each county and city shall establish by ordinance as many precincts as it deems necessary. Each governing body is authorized to increase or decrease the number of precincts and alter precinct boundaries subject to the requirements of this chapter.

At the time any precinct is established, it shall have no more than 5,000 registered voters. The general registrar shall notify the governing body whenever the number of voters who voted in a precinct in an election for President of the United States exceeds 4,000. Within six months of receiving the notice, the governing body shall proceed to revise the precinct boundaries, and any newly established or redrawn precinct shall have no more than 5,000 registered voters.

At the time any precinct is established, each precinct in a county shall have no fewer than 100 registered voters and each precinct in a city shall have no fewer than 500 registered voters.

Each precinct shall be wholly contained within any election district used for the election of one or more members of the governing body or school board for the county or city.

Each precinct shall be wholly contained within a congressional or state legislative district in the event that the county or city is divided between two or more such districts. The local governing body shall establish precinct boundaries immediately at the conclusion of decennial redistricting to meet this requirement. If the governing body concludes that it is unable to meet the requirement in one or more instances, it may apply to the State Board of Elections for a waiver to administer a split precinct or precincts. The State Board shall have authority to grant such a waiver if it determines that the local governing body has presented clear and convincing evidence of its inability to include the precinct in a single congressional or state legislative district, as the case may be. Alternatively, the State Board may direct the county or city governing body to establish a precinct with fewer than the minimum number of registered voters pursuant to § 24.2-309 in order to comply with the requirement that precincts be wholly contained within districts.

The governing body shall establish by ordinance one polling place for each precinct.