An Act authorizing the Department of Conservation and Recreation to grant a 15-foot-wide easement in Henry County.
[H 2247]
Approved March 23, 2015


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. §1. The Department of Conservation and Recreation, with approval of the Governor pursuant to §10.1-109 of the Code of Virginia, is hereby authorized to convey a 15-foot-wide, permanent, nonexclusive right-of-way easement for ingress and egress in the Horsepasture District coming off of Virginia State Route 823 (Pratt Road) onto the Old Mica Mine Road (unpaved access road) and continuing in a southwesterly direction on Old Mica Road along the west of the property belonging to the Department of Conservation and Recreation (Tax Map Number 69.7(000)000/008) to Russell C. Stone, his successors and assigns. The conveyance shall be made without consideration. This conveyance shall be for the purpose of allowing the grantee to access his property in a manner advantageous to the Department and the grantee.

§2. The granting and conveying of the right-of-way easement shall be made in a form approved by the Attorney General. The appropriate officials of the Commonwealth are hereby authorized to prepare, execute, and deliver such deed and other documents as may be necessary to accomplish the conveyance.

2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.