House Amendments in [ ] -- February 1, 2019
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 10.1-1105.2, relating to State Forester; records; confidentiality.
Patron Prior to Engrossment--Delegate Tyler
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 10.1-1105.2 as follows:

§10.1-1105.2. Records to be held in confidence.

The following records of the Department are excluded from the mandatory disclosure provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§2.2-3700 et seq.) [ and shall be held in confidence by the State Forester unless otherwise directed by the Governor ] :

1. Trade secrets and commercial or financial information supplied by individuals or business entities to the Department;

2. Reports of criminal violations made to the Department by persons outside the Department; and

3. Records of an active administrative investigation until such investigation is closed.