Offered January 12, 2011
Prefiled December 16, 2010
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 10.1-1415.3, relating to plastic bags; use by retailers.
Patron-- Ware, O.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1.  That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 10.1-1415.3 as follows:

§ 10.1-1415.3. Plastic carryout bags.

No retailer, as defined in § 58.1-602, shall provide customers with plastic carryout bags at the point of sale unless such bags are (i) durable plastic bags with handles, (ii) at least 2.25 mils thick, and (iii) specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse.