An Act to amend and reenact §20-16 of the Code of Virginia,
relating to issuance of marriage licenses and marriage certificates.
[H 1469]
Approved March 27, 2015
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That §20-16 of the Code of Virginia is amended and
reenacted as follows:
§20-16. Issuance of marriage licenses and marriage
The clerk issuing any marriage license shall before issuing
the license require the parties contemplating marriage to state, under
oath, or by affidavit or affidavits filed with him, made by the parties for
whom the application is made, before a person qualified to take acknowledgments
or administer oaths, the information required to complete the
application for marriage record license. Such The
parties shall be able to designate themselves on the application for marriage
license as spouse, bride, or groom. The clerk shall make provide
the parties with two certificates thereof and deliver them, together
with the license, to the person entitled thereto copies of the marriage
certificate to be completed by the marriage officiant, who shall return the
completed certificates to the clerk after the marriage ceremony of the parties.
The clerk shall retain one copy of the completed marriage certificate and
provide the other copy to the State Registrar of Vital Records. The clerk may
provide the parties with a commemorative marriage certificate and the parties
may request a certified copy of the official marriage certificate as provided
in Article 7 (§32.1-270 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 32.1. For the
purposes of this section any statement made by such applicant, under oath,
concerning the information to be entered on the record application
for marriage license is hereby declared to be a material matter or thing in
any prosecution for perjury for any violation of this section.