An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 22.1-274.01:1, relating to the care of students who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
[H 134]

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 22.1-274.01:1 as follows:

§22.1-274.01:1. Students who are diagnosed with diabetes; self-care.

Each local school board shall permit each enrolled student who is diagnosed with diabetes, with parental consent and written approval from the prescriber, as that term is defined in §54.1-3401, to (i) carry with him and use supplies, including a reasonable and appropriate short-term supply of carbohydrates, an insulin pump, and equipment for immediate treatment of high and low blood glucose levels, and (ii) self-check his own blood glucose levels on a school bus, on school property, and at a school-sponsored activity.

2. That by July 1, 2015, the Department of Education shall review and update its Manual for Training Public School Employees in the Administration of Insulin and Glucagon to address training requirements for school personnel in the identification and management of symptoms of high and low blood glucose levels, the administration of medications to treat high and low blood glucose levels, the use of diabetes medication management devices, and the operation of glucose monitoring equipment. The Manual shall include training requirements in (i) administering a bolus of insulin via an insulin pump, (ii) entering a blood sugar reading into an insulin pump, (iii) entering a carbohydrate count into an insulin pump, (iv) removing or stopping the flow of insulin from an insulin pump, and (v) changing the battery in an insulin pump.