Offered January 19, 2016
A BILL to amend and reenact §§33.2-309, 33.2-1807, and 33.2-2512 of the Code of Virginia and to provide for the submission to the voters of a question to approve the imposition and collection of tolls on Interstate 66 outside the Capital Beltway, relating to tolls for use of Interstate 66 outside the Capital Beltway.
Patron-- Marshall, R.G.
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §§33.2-309, 33.2-1807, and 33.2-2512 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows:

§33.2-309. Tolls for use of Interstate System components.

A. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this title and in accordance with all applicable federal and state statutes and requirements, the Board may impose and collect tolls from all classes of vehicles in amounts established by the Board for the use of any component of the Interstate System within the Commonwealth. However, prior approval of the General Assembly shall be required prior to the imposition and collection of any toll for use of all or any portion of Interstate 66 outside the Capital Beltway or Interstate 81. Prior approval of the General Assembly shall also be required prior to the imposition or collection of any toll for use of Interstate 95 south of Fredericksburg pursuant to the Interstate System Reconstruction or Rehabilitation Pilot Program. Such funds so collected shall be deposited into the Transportation Trust Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524, subject to allocation by the Board as provided in this section.

B. The toll facilities authorized by this section shall be subject to the provisions of federal law for the purpose of tolling motor vehicles to finance interstate construction and reconstruction, promote efficiency in the use of highways, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality and for such other purposes as may be permitted by federal law.

C. In order to mitigate traffic congestion in the vicinity of the toll facilities, no toll facility shall be operated without high-speed automated toll collection technology designed to allow motorists to travel through the toll facilities without stopping to make payments. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit a toll facility from retaining means of nonautomated toll collection in some lanes of the facility. The Board shall also consider traffic congestion and mitigation thereof and the impact on local traffic movement as factors in determining the location of the toll facilities authorized pursuant to this section.

D. The revenues collected from each toll facility established pursuant to this section shall be deposited into segregated subaccounts in the Transportation Trust Fund and may be allocated by the Board as the Board deems appropriate to:

1. Pay or finance all or part of the costs of programs or projects, including the costs of planning, operation, maintenance, and improvements incurred in connection with the toll facility, provided that such allocations shall be limited to programs and projects that are reasonably related to or benefit the users of the toll facility. The priorities of metropolitan planning organizations, planning district commissions, local governments, and transportation corridors shall be considered by the Board in making project allocations from such revenues deposited into the Transportation Trust Fund.

2. Repay funds from the Toll Facilities Revolving Account or the Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund.

3. Pay the Board's reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the administration and management of the toll facility.

§33.2-1807. Powers and duties of the private entity.

A. The private entity shall have all power allowed by law generally to a private entity having the same form of organization as the private entity and shall have the power to develop and/or operate the qualifying transportation facility and impose user fees and/or enter into service contracts in connection with the use thereof. However, no tolls or user fees may be imposed by the private entity on Interstate 66 outside the Capital Beltway or Interstate 81 without the prior approval of the General Assembly. Prior approval of the General Assembly shall also be required prior to the imposition or collection of any toll for use of Interstate 95 south of Fredericksburg pursuant to the Interstate System Reconstruction or Rehabilitation Pilot Program.

B. The private entity may own, lease, or acquire any other right to use or develop and/or operate the qualifying transportation facility.

C. Subject to applicable permit requirements, the private entity shall have the authority to cross any canal or navigable watercourse so long as the crossing does not unreasonably interfere with then current navigation and use of the waterway.

D. In operating the qualifying transportation facility, the private entity may:

1. Make classifications according to reasonable categories for assessment of user fees; and

2. With the consent of the responsible public entity, make and enforce reasonable rules to the same extent that the responsible public entity may make and enforce rules with respect to a similar transportation facility.

E. The private entity shall:

1. Develop and/or operate the qualifying transportation facility in a manner that meets the standards of the responsible public entity for transportation facilities operated and maintained by such responsible public entity, all in accordance with the provisions of the interim agreement or the comprehensive agreement;

2. Keep the qualifying transportation facility open for use by the members of the public in accordance with the terms and conditions of the interim or comprehensive agreement after its initial opening upon payment of the applicable user fees and/or service payments, provided that the qualifying transportation facility may be temporarily closed because of emergencies or, with the consent of the responsible public entity, to protect the safety of the public or for reasonable construction or maintenance procedures;

3. Maintain, or provide by contract for the maintenance of, the qualifying transportation facility;

4. Cooperate with the responsible public entity in establishing any interconnection with the qualifying transportation facility requested by the responsible public entity; and

5. Comply with the provisions of the interim or comprehensive agreement and any service contract.

§33.2-2512. Other duties and responsibilities of Authority.

In addition to other powers granted in this chapter, the Authority shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Providing general oversight of regional programs involving mass transit or congestion mitigation, including carpooling, vanpooling, and ridesharing;

2. Providing long-range regional planning, both financially constrained and unconstrained;

3. Recommending to federal, state, and regional agencies regional transportation priorities, including public-private transportation projects and funding allocations;

4. Developing, in coordination with affected counties and cities, regional priorities and policies to improve air quality;

5. Allocating to priority regional transportation projects funds made available to the Authority and, at the discretion of the Authority, directly overseeing such projects;

6. Recommending to the Commonwealth Transportation Board priority regional transportation projects for receipt of federal and state funds;

7. Imposing, collecting, and setting the amount of tolls for use of facilities in the area embraced by the Authority except on Interstate 66 outside the Capital Beltway, when the facility is either newly constructed or reconstructed solely with revenues of the Authority or solely with revenues under the control of the Authority in such a way as to increase the facility's traffic capacity, with the amount of tolls variable by time of day, day of the week, vehicle size or type, number of axles, or other factors as the Authority may deem proper, and with all such tolls to be used for programs and projects that are reasonably related to or benefit the users of the applicable facility, including for the debt service and other costs of bonds whose proceeds are used for such construction or reconstruction;

8. Providing general oversight of regional transportation issues of a multijurisdictional nature, including intelligent transportation systems, signalization, and preparation for and response to emergencies;

9. Serving as an advocate for the transportation needs of Northern Virginia before the state and federal governments;

10. Applying to and negotiating with the government of the United States, the Commonwealth, or any agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof for grants and other funds available to carry out the purposes of this chapter and receiving, holding, accepting, and administering from any source gifts, bequests, grants, aid, or contributions of money, property, labor, or other things of value to be held, used, and applied to carry out the purposes of this chapter subject, however, to any condition upon which gifts, bequests, grants, aid, or contributions are made. Unless otherwise restricted by the terms of the gift, bequest, or grant, the Authority may sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of such money, securities, or other property given or bequeathed to it in furtherance of its purposes;

11. Acting as a "responsible public entity" for the purpose of the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, or operation, or any combination thereof, of a "qualifying transportation facility" under the Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995 (§33.2-1800 et seq.); and

12. Deciding on and voting to impose certain fees and taxes authorized under law for imposition or assessment by the Authority, provided that any such fee or tax assessed or imposed is assessed or imposed in all counties and cities embraced by the Authority. The revenues from such certain fees and taxes shall be kept in a separate account and shall be used only for the purposes provided in this chapter.

2. That the provisions of the first enactment of this act shall become effective on January 1, 2017, if a majority of those voting on the question in the third enactment of this act vote in the negative.

3. §1. It shall be the duty of the election officers of all counties and cities in Planning District 8 that are located wholly or partially outside the Capital Beltway conducting the general election on November 8, 2016, at the places appointed for holding the same, to open a poll and take the sense of the qualified voters of such counties and cities on the question stated below. The State Board of Elections shall have notice of the referendum published in accordance with the provisions of § 30-19.10 of the Code of Virginia.

The ballots to be used at the election shall pose the question in substantially the following form:

QUESTION: "Should tolls be imposed and collected outside the Capital Beltway on Interstate 66?"

The ballots shall be prepared, distributed, and voted, and the results thereof ascertained and certified, in the manner prescribed by Title 24.2 of the Code of Virginia. The State Board of Elections shall comply with §30-19.10 of the Code of Virginia and shall cause to be sent to the electoral board of each county and city in Planning District 8 that is located wholly or partially outside the Capital Beltway sufficient copies of the question contained herein and a neutral explanation of the question for the officers of election to post in each polling place on election day.

The electoral board of each county and city in Planning District 8 that is located wholly or partially outside the Capital Beltway shall make out, certify, and forward an abstract of the votes cast for and against the question in the manner now prescribed by law in relation to votes cast in general elections.

The State Board of Elections shall open and canvass such abstracts and examine and report the whole number of votes cast at the election for and against the question in the manner now prescribed by law in relation to votes cast in general elections. The State Board of Elections shall announce the results of the referendum.

The expenses incurred in conducting this referendum shall be defrayed as in the case of other November general elections.