House Amendments in [ ] – February 9, 2024
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 46.2-821.1, relating to exception to stopping requirement; bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or motorized skateboard or scooter.
Patron Prior to Engrossment--Delegate Carr
Referred to Committee on Transportation

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 46.2-821.1 as follows:

§46.2-821.1. Exception to stopping requirement; bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or motorized skateboard or scooter.

Notwithstanding the provisions of §§46.2-821 and 46.2-830, any person operating a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or motorized skateboard or scooter may yield instead of stop at an intersection [ of two highways ] controlled by a stop sign if all the following conditions are met:

1. Each intersecting highway has no more than three motor vehicle travel lanes;

2. The person is at least 15 years [ old of age ] or accompanied by an adult;

3. The person slows to a reasonable speed based on existing [ highway ] conditions; and

4. Before proceeding into the intersection, the person [ yields the right-of-way to stops for ] any pedestrian [ lawfully ] within the crosswalk, as required pursuant to §46.2-924, and [ to the driver of another for any other ] vehicle approaching or entering such intersection from another direction.