An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding sections numbered 55-79.71:1 and 55-515.3, relating to the Virginia Condominium Act; the Virginia Property Owners' Association Act; amending association documents using technology.
[H 1058]

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding sections numbered 55-79.71:1 and 55-515.3 as follows:

§55-79.71:1. Use of technology.

A. Unless the condominium instruments expressly provide otherwise, (i) any notice required to be sent or received or (ii) any signature, vote, consent, or approval required to be obtained under any condominium instrument or any provision of this chapter may be accomplished using the most advanced technology available at that time if such use is a generally accepted business practice. This section shall govern the use of technology in implementing the provisions of any condominium instrument or any provision of this chapter dealing with notices, signatures, votes, consents, or approvals.

B. Electronic transmission and other equivalent methods. The unit owners' association, unit owners, and other persons entitled to occupy a unit may perform any obligation or exercise any right under any condominium instrument or any provision of this chapter by use of any technological means providing sufficient security, reliability, identification, and verifiability. "Acceptable technological means" shall include without limitation electronic transmission over the Internet or the community or other network, whether by direct connection, intranet, telecopier, or electronic mail.

C. Signature requirements. An electronic signature meeting the requirements of applicable law shall satisfy any requirement for a signature under any condominium instrument or any provision of this chapter.

D. Voting rights. Voting, consent to and approval of any matter under any condominium instrument or any provision of this chapter may be accomplished by electronic transmission or other equivalent technological means provided that a record is created as evidence thereof and maintained as long as such record would be required to be maintained in nonelectronic form.

E. Acknowledgment not required. Subject to other provisions of law, no action required or permitted by any condominium instrument or any provision of this chapter need be acknowledged before a notary public if the identity and signature of such person can otherwise be authenticated to the satisfaction of the executive organ.

F. Nontechnology alternatives. If any person does not have the capability or desire to conduct business using electronic transmission or other equivalent technological means, the unit owners' association shall make reasonable accommodation, at its expense, for such person to conduct business with the unit owners' association without use of such electronic or other means.

G. This section shall not apply to any notice related to an enforcement action by the unit owners association, an assessment lien, or foreclosure proceedings in enforcement of an assessment lien.

§55-515.3. Use of technology.

A. Unless the declaration expressly provides otherwise, (i) any notice required to be sent or received or (ii) any signature, vote, consent, or approval required to be obtained under any declaration or bylaw provision or any provision of this chapter may be accomplished using the most advanced technology available at that time if such use is a generally accepted business practice. This section shall govern the use of technology in implementing the provisions of any declaration or bylaw provision or any provision of this chapter dealing with notices, signatures, votes, consents, or approvals.

B. Electronic transmission and other equivalent methods. The association, lot owners, and those entitled to occupy a lot may perform any obligation or exercise any right under any declaration or bylaw provision or any provision of this chapter by use of any technological means providing sufficient security, reliability, identification, and verifiability. "Acceptable technological means" shall include without limitation electronic transmission over the Internet, or the community or other network, whether by direct connection, intranet, telecopier, or electronic mail.

C. Signature requirements. An electronic signature meeting the requirements of applicable law shall satisfy any requirement for a signature under any declaration or bylaw provision or any provision of this chapter.

D. Voting rights. Voting, consent to and approval of any matter under any declaration or bylaw provision or any provision of this chapter may be accomplished by electronic transmission or other equivalent technological means provided that a record is created as evidence thereof and maintained as long as such record would be required to be maintained in nonelectronic form.

E. Acknowledgment not required. Subject to other provisions of law, no action required or permitted by any declaration or bylaw provision or any provision of this chapter need be acknowledged before a notary public if the identity and signature of such person can otherwise be authenticated to the satisfaction of the executive organ.

F. Nontechnology alternatives. If any person does not have the capability or desire to conduct business using electronic transmission or other equivalent technological means, the association shall make reasonable accommodation, at its expense, for such person to conduct business with the association without use of such electronic or other means.

G. This section shall not apply to any notice related to an enforcement action by the association, an assessment lien, or foreclosure proceedings in enforcement of an assessment lien.