| US | HB77 | Engross 50% | To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide for en bloc consideration in resolutions of disapproval for "midnight rules", and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To Senate Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Committee |
| US | HB1309 | Intro 25% | To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to prohibit exchanges from effecting transactions in securities issued by natural asset companies, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Financial Services Committee |
| US | HB1310 | Intro 25% | To limit the closure or consolidation of any United States Postal Service processing and distribution center in States, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |
| US | HCR12 | Intro 25% | Supporting the Local Radio Freedom Act. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB231 | Intro 25% | To amend the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015, to reauthorize the Colorado River System conservation pilot program. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Unanimous Consent. |
| US | HB1001 | Intro 25% | To provide for a memorandum of understanding to address the impacts of a certain record of decision on the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. |
| US | HB1110 | Intro 25% | To require the Secretary of Agriculture to develop and implement a strategy to increase opportunities to utilize livestock grazing as a means of wildfire risk reduction. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 Ordered to be Reported in the Nature of a Substitute by Unanimous Consent. |
| US | HB1224 | Intro 25% | To prohibit the use of a merchant category code that separately identifies firearms merchants or ammunition merchants, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Financial Services Committee |
| US | HB1249 | Intro 25% | To require the United States Postal Service to post notices of changes that will affect nationwide postal services, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |
| US | HB1232 | Intro 25% | To preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
| US | HB1194 | Intro 25% | To amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and the Mineral Leasing Act to require reports on rejected bids, to clarify timelines for the issuance of leases, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-11 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB1206 | Intro 25% | To require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-11 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB1163 | Intro 25% | To amend title 5, United States Code, to require greater transparency for Federal regulatory decisions that impact small businesses, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB1137 | Intro 25% | To repeal a requirement for the Secretary of Transportation to issue certain regulations with respect to advanced impaired driving technology, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
| US | HB1125 | Intro 25% | To provide for improved management of Federal lands and increased efficiencies within public land agencies while strengthening tourism, conservation, outdoor recreation, grazing, responsible energy production, and other multiple uses. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB1131 | Intro 25% | To restore the exemption of family farms and small businesses from the definition of assets under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
| US | HB1123 | Intro 25% | To abolish the United States Agency for International Development, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
| US | HB71 | Intro 25% | To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to improve the ability of veterans to access medical care in medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs and in the community by providing the veterans the ability ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB1040 | Intro 25% | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the inclusion in gross income of Social Security benefits. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Ways And Means Committee |
| US | HB1066 | Intro 25% | To repeal section 138 of the Clean Air Act, relating to environmental and climate justice block grants. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
| US | HB1068 | Intro 25% | To amend the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to provide for the removal and dismissal of qualified civil liability actions. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB1052 | Intro 25% | To rescind certain unobligated balances relating to charging and fueling grants and national electric vehicle grants. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Appropriations Committee |
| US | HB978 | Intro 25% | To rescind Public Land Order 7917, to reinstate mineral leases and permits in the Superior National Forest, to ensure timely review of Mine Plans of Operations, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HJR36 | Intro 25% | Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture relating to "Law Enforcement; Criminal Prohibitions". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Agriculture Committee |
| US | HB1028 | Intro 25% | To modify eligibility requirements for amateur sports governing organizations. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB1029 | Intro 25% | To abolish the United States Agency for International Development. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
| US | HB934 | Intro 25% | To direct the Secretary of Defense to submit a report about the effects on national security of the surveillance conducted by the People's Republic of China via the high-altitude surveillance balloon shot down in the airspace of the United States in ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Armed Services Committee |
| US | HB908 | Intro 25% | To amend section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 (commonly referred to as the Communications Decency Act) to stop censorship, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
| US | HB925 | Intro 25% | To ensure equal protection of the law, to prevent racism in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |
| US | HB976 | Intro 25% | To repeal the small business loan data collection requirements under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Financial Services Committee |
| US | HB845 | Intro 25% | To require the Secretary of the Interior to reissue regulations removing the gray wolf from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB899 | Intro 25% | To terminate the Department of Education. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
| US | HB863 | Intro 25% | To establish a national human trafficking database at the Office for Victims of Crime of the Department of Justice, and to incentivize certain State agencies to report data to the database. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB875 | Intro 25% | To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed an offense for driving while intoxicated or impaired are inadmissible and deportable. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB471 | Engross 50% | To expedite under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and improve forest management activities on National Forest System lands, on public lands under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, and on Tribal lands to return resilienc... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 Received in the Senate. |
| US | HB810 | Intro 25% | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to expand and improve health savings accounts, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To House Ways And Means Committee |
| US | HB773 | Intro 25% | To amend the Food Security Act of 1985 to repeal certain provisions relating to the acceptance and use of contributions for public-private partnerships, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To House Agriculture Committee |
| US | HB775 | Intro 25% | To ensure that there is no net gain in Federal land ownership in any fiscal year, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB774 | Intro 25% | To limit the ability of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to penalize an owner of livestock for grazing by such livestock on certain Federal lands on which grazing is permitted on or after the date of enactment of this Ac... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB21 | Engross 50% | To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-24 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB729 | Intro 25% | To prohibit chemical abortions performed without the presence of a healthcare provider, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-24 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB724 | Intro 25% | To require the Congressional Budget Office to make publicly available the fiscal and mathematical models, data, and other details of computations used in cost analysis and scoring. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-24 To House Budget Committee |
| US | HB722 | Intro 25% | To implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution for the right to life of each born and preborn human person. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-24 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB672 | Intro 25% | To establish new ZIP Codes for certain communities, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-23 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |
| US | HB703 | Intro 25% | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction for qualified business income. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-23 To House Ways And Means Committee |
| US | HB677 | Intro 25% | To establish a process to expedite the review of appeals of certain decisions by the Department of the Interior. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-23 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB678 | Intro 25% | To amend the Mineral Leasing Act to improve the assessment of expression of interest fees, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-23 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB676 | Intro 25% | To exempt Federal actions related to energy and mineral activities on certain Federal lands from the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-23 To House Natural Resources Committee |
| US | HB711 | Intro 25% | To provide for equal protection of the law and to prohibit discrimination and preferential treatment on the basis of race, color, or national origin in Federal actions, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-23 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HJR28 | Intro 25% | Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to require that the Supreme Court of the United States be composed of nine justices. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 To House Judiciary Committee |