88R7136 AMB-D
  By: Springer S.R. No. 53
         WHEREAS, Casey Cox, a nursing professional at Baylor Scott
  and White Medical Center - Plano, has been named one of the 25
  Outstanding Texas Nurses for 2022 by the Texas Nurses Association;
         WHEREAS, This prestigious award recognizes registered nurses
  across the state who have distinguished themselves as resourceful
  and innovative frontline heroes during an unprecedented public
  health crisis while helping to ensure a culture of compassionate
  care at the institutions they serve; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Cox is being honored for his exemplary efforts
  in leading a clinical team initiative for the administration of
  monoclonal infusion therapies during the COVID-19 pandemic; up to
  50 therapies were given per day, and the hospital infusion center
  provided more than 2,800 monoclonal treatments overall;
  additionally, he helped set up COVID testing for pre-operative
  patients on weekends and curbside testing for those with mobility
  issues; and
         WHEREAS, The Outstanding Texas Nurses award brings
  well-deserved recognition to individuals who have gone above and
  beyond to serve their patients and their communities, and it is a
  privilege to join in commending Casey Cox for his exceptional
  contributions to his profession; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby congratulate Casey Cox on his selection as one of the Texas
  Nurses Association 25 Outstanding Texas Nurses for 2022 and extend
  to him sincere best wishes for continued success in his important
  work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Cox as an expression of high regard by the Texas